Chapter 17

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I was eating my tidbits when a guy approached me.

"Hi."  He smiled.  Why would a random guy suddenly approach me and say hi?  Who is this guy?

"Hi."  Of course, I smiled back even though I’m still wondering who this person is.  I looked at him from head to toe and realized who he is.  "Wait a minute! You're Jake!"

"Yes, you remembered."  He chuckled.

This Jake is the Jake Thompson I knew.  My long lost childhood friend, he moved when we reached middle school, and I never heard from him anymore.  He was also my hero.  He always made sure that I was safe from danger.  I can’t believe that he had grown to be this handsome and charming.

I hugged him really tight, and he hugged back while he chuckled.  "I thought I would never see you again."

"Hahaha.  I believed that I would still meet you in the future. Don’t you remember that I promised you that? Deep inside, I’ve always said that I would find you. You've grown pretty much and become more beautiful."

"Hey, stop flattering me, and of course I remember your promise. You've grown too!"  I said, punching his heavily built arm, "You are really tall. Bet you work out."

"Duh?"  He laughed.

I made a tsk-ing sound.  "So where are you headed to?"


"Really? Philippines wow."

"I've been there for a couple of times already. There are nice places, but also bad and smelly ones. I like Amanpulo the best!"

"Wow, enjoy. Oh, by the way, can I get your number?"

"Sure."  We exchanged numbers and bid goodbye.

I missed him very much.  He was my partner in crime.  We used to throw water balls at our neighbor's windows.  It’s a good thing our parents stopped before we threw eggs.  How we became friends?  Well, he was my neighbor before.  During summer, we would lie on the grass and look at the clouds.  We would imagine what they would resemble.  Our moms would bring the pool out and inflate it.  We would roll into a cannonball and jump into it.  Refreshing.  I miss those times.

Like I said, he moved away the time we reached middle school.  Reason?  His dad got promoted and was assigned in a place far away from home.  I cried when the news reached me.  I watched the people put their things in the truck and tears fell.  Jake approached me and wiped away my tears, "We'll meet again. I promise." then he gave me a hug.  This is a miracle.  He kept his promise, which I thought he had already forgotten.

I was still thinking about Jake when Tiffany sat beside me, "Who was that cute guy?"

"That was Jake."

"Jake? Is he from our school?"

"No, he is my childhood friend that I haven't seen for years."

"Cool! Did you get his number?"


"Woah. Nice one! You know what? I think I like that guy."

"Don't be silly, he's a real rascal." I laughed.

"I don't think so, I think you're just jealous." she teased me.

"No way!"

"You're blushing."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"Fine. Whatever." I laughed.

"Can I have some tidbits?"

"Sure. You came here for that. Why didn't you just say so?"

"Because… Hm… Nothing!"  She munched the tidbits away.

"Hey, it's already 11:30!"  I looked at my watch, shocked.  We were still nowhere near the gate.

"You're right! Wake them up!"

I woke Maureen and Nikki up.  Cathy and Yvette were already up.  I wonder what Cathy showed Yvette.  That’s probably something about her ex boyfriend.  Cathy tells most or all of her secrets to Yvette.  To us, just a few, I guess they are really close friends.

We followed the signs to reach our gate.  It was already 11:55 when we reached there, the last call.  We were here so early, but we are still late.  How did this even happen?  How could we be like this?  This is so unprofessional.

We were upgraded from the economy class to business class, thanks to Nikki's Marco Polo platinum card.  Actually, Nikki is the daughter of the owner of the top soap company, so she has a lot of connections.

We went in after they tore our boarding passes.  The seats inside are cool and wide.  They are isolated, and no one can disturb you.  Also, the pillow here is softer, and the blanket is thicker than the ones in the economy class.

I checked the menu.  This is totally better than the ones in the economy class.  Sea bass, tenderloin steak, salmon teriyaki, take your pick.  The stewardess gave us some refreshments before take off.  "I'll take the cranberry juice."  She handed me a glass.

"Thank you."

This is Jack Smith, and I will be your pilot.  Thank you for choosing Cathy Pacific.  We will be taking off in a few minutes, hope you'll enjoy the trip.  The trip to Ireland will be approximately six hours and 33 minutes.

Six hours.  I can watch about 3 movies with that!  I checked the magazine that was inserted in the seat pocket.  I guess I'll watch The Vow, The Titanic and The Hunger Games.

ZZZzrrrrrMMMMMMM.  The plane started to take off.  I looked at Maureen and gave her a thumb’s up.

Jake.  That is the name that's stuck in my head now.

-Hallie Price, 18 years old

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