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~Mark's POV~

I haven't been myself lately, I have no desire to make videos or to hang out with my friends. I haven't showered in days and the only time I actually get out of bed and leave my blackened room is if I have to pee.

I sit on the edge of my bed, clutching my head in my hands. This pain has been overtaking me for months, I can't stand it anymore.

Maybe a hot shower will help ease the pain.

I slowly rise off the bed and trudge out of the room, I sulk down the hall until I reach the bathroom door. Turning the knob slowing, hoping maybe easing my actions will diminish just a fraction of the pain I've been enduring.

I flick on the lights and hiss at the pain as I rub my eyes. I take a deep breath then slowly reopen them, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

My chocolate brown eyes have dark, droopy rings under them and my red hair had faded some and is matted up in knots. I slowly pull my shirt over my head and stare at my body, my muscular form has lost some of its definition and my skin is a bit more pale than before. I sigh and slide my pants and boxers down and hesitantly look down, and something happens that hasn't happened since this pain arrived a few months back. A small smile escapes from my lips as I see that nothing has changed from down there.

As hot water glides down my body I rest my head against the shower wall, I've got to do something about this pain. But what? I've tried everything, all sorts of medications, specialists, home remedies. Everything.

Except...him. He always makes me feel better when he's around. Maybe I should call him back...everyone has been reaching out to me since I've taken a break from the internet.

One call. Just talk to him, maybe his voice...can help me.

I pick up my phone and scroll through the contacts until I see his name pop up.


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