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Sorry guys, writers block is a bitch. This piece is still in the works so if you have any special requests about how you think the plot should go along feel free to DM me!

Ps...smut warning

"Jack that's a crazy idea!" Mark shakes his head and crosses his arms, "no way am I allowing this!"

"Mark, all I'm saying is we need to lure him out so we can get some help from a priest or something! Like an exorcism from that movie!"

"Jack no! That's insane! Do you hear yourself right now?! Once he's out I can't control him anymore!" Jack bores his ocean blue eyes into Marks dark brown ones as he speaks, "Mark, I believe in you. I really do. I think we can get rid of him forever! We just need a little help."

Mark sighs, feeling defeated as he moves his eyes from his crushes, "He weakens me to the state where I can't do anything but sit back and watch him reek havoc his surroundings...I..I don't want to even begin to imagine what he might do to you."

"Mark," Jack begins, taking Mark's strong, tanned hand in his small, delicate one. "You have to trust me on this one...please."

Mark tightens his grip on the green haired mans hand. "Okay...I trust you..but how exactly are we going to lure him out?"

Jack smiles brightly and inches closer, "Easy. Give him an opportunity he can't turn down."

"What does that mean?" Mark questions, cheeks reddening as he notices the man beside him slowly leaning towards him. Jack's eyes flutter shut but Marks remain wide open, completely in awe that this is actually happening. Jack's lips gently press against his own, fireworks going off inside of the half Korean mans body as his body relaxes and melts into the kiss.

Jack deepens the kiss and slowly guides Mark backwards on to his bed. Mark happily complies and lays back on the bed, wrapping his arms around Jacks waist, allowing the smaller mans hands to roam free as their tongues explore each other's mouth. Jack slides his hand under Mark's shirt, remembering how sensitive his nipples are from a previous video they shot with their friend, Felix. He gently rubs circles around his nipples, every now and then grazing his finger over one of the stubs until they are fully erect.

Jack smiles at his work and slides Marks shirt over his head. As soon as the shirt hits the floor Jack is hovering over the man sucking and licking his nipples, causing small whimpers to escape from Mark. Jack slides up his body and begins nibbling and licking Mark's neck, Mark moans and arches his back.

"Fuuuuck! Oh god Jack!" Mark moans out once Jack hits his sweet spot. Mark grabs the hem of Jack's shirt and slowly pulls it over his head sliding his hands up his stomach and chest, hands still shaking from the shock of the grope session. His hands find their way down to Jack's jeans and unbuttons them, slowly sliding his hand down into his jeans but remains above his boxers. Jack moans and grinds into his touch. He falls beside Mark and pulls him on top, giving him full control. Mark smiles down at the Irishmen, biting his lip and wondering how he fell into this fantasy but still enjoying every second.

Mark yanks Jack's pants off and pulls his boxers down just enough to release his growing member. Mark hesitates, just in case Jack changed his mind, locking eyes with the green haired man before Jack smiles down at him and nods. Mark smirks up at him and begins to bob his head up and down the Irishmen's dick. Jack lets out a string of "ooos" and "aahhhs" as Mark glides his tongue up his shaft.

"Oh yes daddy! Just like that!" Jack grabs a handful of the other mans red hair and thrusts into his mouth.

"I love it when you call me daddy." A deep voice comes from below, Jack quickly looks down and locks eyes with the all too familiar crimson red ones. He struggles against the demon and tries his hardest to get away but is easily pinned down to the bed. He gives Jack a horrifying smirk and flips him onto his knees.

"You really thought this would work? This was your big plan Sean? Congratulations, you got me out. Now what? What's you're big plan now little man?" The demon hisses into Jacks ear as he presses himself against his ass. Jacks breath hitches and he quickly scans the room trying to find a way to get out of this. "Ya know Jack, I think you just saw an opportunity to be a little slut for Mark. You didn't think this through, all you cared about was getting fucked." He mouth curls into an evil smirk and grinds against Jack.

"Well lucky for me, Mark already warmed you up so I can just have my way with that tight little ass of yours." Dark reaches around and grabs Jack's member and begins pumping it, Jack holds back a moan and clenches his eyes shut.

"Let me go DAArrk" Jack yells before the moans take over. "I don't want you to touch me!" He pants and tries to push the demon off his but fails. "But Jack, you're still throbbing and," he bites Jacks neck, making his moan underneath him, "moaning like crazy. How could I resist?" Dark then shoves Jack's face down into the bed so his ass is higher in the air and sticks two fingers into his mouth. "Suck." He demands and Jack complies from fear of what would happen if he didn't.

Dark pulls his fingers back out of his mouth leaving a trail of saliva still attached to his lip and smirks and he rams them into Jacks tight hole. Jack gasps and whimpers at first but quickly adjusts to the feeling and begins to moan and pant beneath the demon. Hungry for Mark's touch even if it isn't technically the youtuber he fell for, but his alter ego.

Dark smirks and whispers in his ear "tell daddy how much you love it." Jack moans and pushes himself back onto Dark's fingers. "So much! Fuck! Right there!" He bites the sheets his face still currently being pressed into and moans as Dark rams into his prostate over and over again. Dark pushes in a third finger making Jack scream in pleasure. "Yes daddy! Yes! Oh god yesssss!"

Dark flips Jack over on to his back and smirks down at him. "I want to see your face as I fuck you senseless." He pushes his boxers down and inserts himself into the smaller man, he starts a slow pace but quickly picks up speed with every moan Jack releases. Jacks body begins to tremble under him and he grabs a handful of red hair. "Oh god I'm gonna cum!" Dark keeps pumping into him and they both release at the same time, Dark lets out a low growl filling him up as Jack screams out,


Forgive me God for I have sinned. 😅

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