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A/N: So once again I am horribly sorry for the lagging updates. I'm trying to get better with posting more frequently but I get distracted way too easily. Any who, thank you guys for being so patient with me. Much, much love. 💜

Mark cowers in the corner of the dark closet mentally preparing himself for what's to come after the demon on the other side breaks through. After what Mark did he's sure Anti can't wait to sink his claws into him. If he's the opposite of Sean there's no way this demon will have any mercy on him.

The thuds grow louder and louder until door comes off the hinges and smacks Mark directly in the face. Blood slowly pools into his hands as the half Korean man cups his nose.

Before Mark can even comprehend what is going on, he feels a hand grab a fistful of his hair and yank him out of his hiding spot. Mark falls on to his stomach and groans in pain as he slowly tries to push himself up off the ground.

Anti stomps him back on to the ground and glares down at him. "Höw dôés thát fêëł, prêttÿ böÿ? Nò whéré ñëár âš bãd äš whät ÿôū dīd tö mé ÿôū føøkïñ prīck!" The demon hisses down through gritted teeth. "Ñöw höw âbôūt ï rétûrñ thé fávør, hmm?"

Mark pushes himself back up to his hands and knees in attempt to protest but is instantly kicked back down.

"Îm głâd ÿøû âgréé!"

The demon flips Mark over on to his back and smiles down at him, menacingly. "Réd rêâłłÿ îš ÿøür ćöłør," Anti sits down beside him and caresses his face, "płümp réd łîpš, réd fłôöfÿ hâîr, âñd ÿóü évéñ hâvê ćrîmšôñ błôöd słîdïñg döwñ ÿöûr čhéêkš. Trûéłÿ éñtîćîñg." The green haired man gently brushes a piece of hair out of Mark's eyes and smiles down at him. "Ÿôû kñôw Whât wöüłd máké mê rëâłłÿ hâppÿ?" He smirks down at the half Korean man and pulls out a pocket knife. "Tö šéé möré ôf thát görgéoûs błôöd øf ÿôürś." Anti flicks the blade open. "Dò ÿöû mīñd?" The demon asks as he gently runs the blade down Marks bare chest.

Mark's eyes widen and he frantically shakes his head in protest. "Ï wáš réäłłÿ höpîñg ÿôü'd bég." Anti lets out another one of his famous maniacal laughs and firmly presses the blade against Marks tanned skin.

I'm sorry for the short chapter but don't worry I'm writing the next one as we speak! If it isn't posted by midnight I give you all the right to nag me until it's posted! Don't forget to snape and wand-it! 💜💜

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