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A/N: Once again, not my art. Just couldn't resist using cartoonjunkies work. 😍

~3rd POV~

Jack held his head in his hands, completely immersed in his own agonizing pain. The world around him seemed to spin faster and faster into oblivion. Darkness latching onto his very being and dragging him into the inner depths of his own fears.

He hears a voice calling out to him, not deep enough to be the demonic one that's been tormenting him but yet, still deep and..panicked? Jack uses all his energy to focus on the person in front of him and sees a pair of deep brown eyes staring back at him.

"Mark!" He reaches out for the man in front of him and feels the half Koreans strong arms wrapping around his waist.

"Jack! Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?"

Jack's body spasms in his arms and his eyes start to turn from their beautiful crystal blue to an inky black, he gasps for air and grabs onto Mark's shirt. He clenches his teeth and tries to regulate his breathing.

" me..please"

Mark pulls him closer and caresses his face. "I'm right here Sean...please, fight it! I know you can. You're so strong and brave and I...I think I lo-".

That being the last thing Jack heard before he fell from the other mans arms and on to the cold floor beneath them.

Jack eyes flutter open and he slowly rises off the floor, he looks around the room for Mark but can't find anyone or see anything for that matter. Engulfed in the darkness he pushes himself off the floor and tries to stand but his legs give out sending him back onto the ground.

"Where am I?" He scans the room until his eyes lock on a bright light to his left. He slowly crawls towards the light, searching for answers.

"Hello?..Is anyone there?" He continues crawling towards the light waiting for a response. "Mark?" The Irish man calls into the darkness. He opens his mouth the call out for his again but he slams into something, Jack sits back and rubs his head. "Ow what the hell is this shite?"

Jack feels a chill run down his spin, his body instantly tensing up as he hears a whisper come from behind him.

"Hêłłö Jâćk."

Jack quickly spins around and stares at the man before him. This can't be, this man look exactly like Jack. It was almost as if he was staring into a mirror, this man had the same exact hair color, body type, facial structure and facial hair. The only major difference was this man had one inky black eye and one septic green eye.

"Who-who are you?"

The man before him let's out a glitchy chuckle and smiles back at him, his razor sharp teeth peaking through his evil grin.

"I'm ÿøu, øñłÿ béttêr. Hê śûrē dīd ã gøød jöb wîth mé, dîd'ñt hē?"


"Ńøw thé qüēstîøn íš, whât wîłł Ï gö bÿ? Jäćkśēptîcéÿê īs ã prêttÿ šhīté nâmē šø īt'łł nêëd tø bê šømêthīñg müch bêttër thån thåt."

"Hey! I-" the demon cuts him short by continuing his thought process aloud.

"Whât äbøūt øpösītê.....éÿê? Ñø ńö...thâtś hørrībłê. Øh ī kñøw! Höw âbøüt Štïñckéyê? Ñø, that wöñt dō. Thêñ péøpłê wīłł âšśümē I sméłł," he pauses to lift his arm and smell himself "ând Ï âctüâłłÿ šméłł qüītê łøvêłÿ...."

"What are you talking about?"

"Īvé gøt ït! Áñtïśêptîćēÿė."

"Um excuse me! Can you elaborate on exactly who, well- what you are?! "

"Ÿøû hâvéñt fïgùréd thât øüt bÿ ñøw?" The demon shakes his head in annoyance. "Mârk müšt bê thë øñłÿ øñé wīth īñtéłłīgâñçe hêré." He rolls his eyes and sighs. "Dârkïpłīér mâdê mê, jüšt før hīm šīñćê ÿøû wërë tøø ñâīvé tø appréćîâtë hīš łövē."

Jack gasps and stares back at him, "You're..a..."

"Démòñ." He lets out an evil laugh and clasps his hands together. "Ÿēś Jâćk. Ñøw âš müćh âš ï wöûłd łøvé tø štâÿ trâpped īn hérê añd tørmênt ÿøu. I'd müćh rather gêt øüt øf ÿøür štûpīd héäd añd méêt Mr. Dârkīpłïêr, âñd whø kñöws, mâÿbë ïłł pây łittłê Mârkîmøø â vïšït."

Jack glares at his alter ego "Leave him alone!" Anti smirks and crosses his arms.

"whâtš wröñg Jâckârøøñéÿ? Âré ÿøü šćâréd īm gøññâ dø dīrtÿ thïñgs wīth ÿøūr préćīøüš Mârk? Yøū kñøw, łīkê äłł thë dīrtÿ thīñgš ÿøüvé dréâmëd øf døïñg wíth hīm?"

Jacks cheeks turn to a bright red as he looks down at his feet. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Anti appears just in front of Jack, only a few inches separating them and lifts his chin with his finger, his pointed nail digging into Jacks flesh.

"Théré'š nø pøíñt īñ łÿíñg tø mé, Šéäñ. Î kńöw âłł ÿøür thôūghtš, memörïéš," he pauses and whispers in Jacks ear, "déšïréš." He purrs into Jack's ear. "I ám ÿôū. Jüšt âłł thé gööd pârtš, thât ÿøu tûckéd áwäÿ før šô łöñg. Î âm évêrÿ thöûght, êvêry fëãr, and évêrÿ fëēłîñg ÿøú évêr dëñïêd. Ñøw î thīñk ītš tîmé tø łøčk ÿøü úp ïn hérê änd šéê höw ŸØÜ ŁÎKÈ ĪT!" He hisses out at Jack, mouth curling up into a snarl as released Jack's face and turns away from the smaller.

"No! Wait!"

The demon stops and looks back over his shoulder and narrows his eyes at him, "whât ñöw?"

"Where are we?"

Anti scoffs and continues walking away, "wêrė ïñ ÿøūr mîñd dïpšhītê, âñd ÿøü béttêr gêt üšé tø īt bêćâüšé ī døñt płân øñ ćømīñg bâćk tø thïś héłł høłê."

Anti's form vanishes into the darkness, leaving Jack alone in the inner depths of his mind.

Jack thought things couldn't get worse, he was trapped in his own mind, a demon was controlling his every move, he just realized that there was nothing to eat in here--and on top of all of that he wasn't sure when he was going to see his best friend again.

His best friend Mark on the other hand was about to have a troubling experience all of his own.

Jacks eyes flutter open once again but this time they're met with a pair of worried chocolate brown eyes instead of pitch black darkness. Mark smiles and pulls him into an embrace, "thank god you're okay Jack! I was so worried!" Jack instantly wraps his arms around his crushes neck and smiles, but before he knows it his eyes turn from their sweet baby blue to a septic green and ink black color. Mark finally releases him and leans back, "what happened exactly? Are you hurt? Can I do anything?" He takes the boys hand and squeezes.

Anti looks up at him and smiles sinisterly.

"Ï ćâñ thïñk øf â féw thïñgš."

Literally exhausted. Enjoy! 💜 Also don't forget to rake and commence! 👍🏼

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