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Dark lets me up off the couch and helps my pull my clothing back on, he then scoops me up off the ground and carries me up to Mark's room.

I lay on the bed and stare up at him, he sits beside me and brushes the hair out of my face.

"Now tell Daddy why I had to punish you."

"I..I tried to run away." He nods and runs his thumb across my bottom lip, staring contently at my lips.

"And are we going to try it again?"

I slowly shake my head and his eyes lock with mine as he glares down at me, "I can't hear you."

" sir."

Dark presses his lips against mine and I think about biting his lip so hard he bleeds or possibly head butting him and making a run for it but I can't risk it. He's much faster than me so I allow him to deepen the kiss. He smirks against my lips and slides his hand down my side. "What a good boy." I gasp as his hand makes its way to my crotch and lean into the touch, I haven't done anything with anyone in so long and..technically this is Mark's body...

He palms me through my jeans and I moan against his lips. He moves his lips from mine and brushes them against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I arch my back as he slips his hands under my shirt. He slowly pulls my shirt over my head then runs his hands down my chest and stomach following behind with wet kisses.

He slides my zipper down and I quickly sit up, "wait, wait...I don't want to do this." His crimson eyes dart up to mine and he looks at me with an annoyed expression.

"I didn't ask what you wanted." He yanks my jeans down and I quickly bring my legs up to my chest. "No Dark. I'm serious. I don't want to do this. I changed my mind." He roughly yanks my legs back down and straddles them so I can't move. "You were being such a good boy earlier, don't make Daddy mad." He starts sliding my boxers down and I quickly retract them. "Dark. Stop I-"

He cuts me short by wrapping his strong hand around my throat. "I'm the one in charge and you do what I say," he squeezes tighter cutting off my oxygen. "Understand?" I claw at his hand and gasp for air. I can see his lips moving but I can't hear what he says. Everything starts to go black until it all comes rushing back as I take in a big breath and start coughing uncontrollably. I look up and Dark is no longer on top of me. I sit up relieved to see he is no longer in the room but a wave of panic washes over me.

Where is Dark?

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