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I stumble backwards and stare up at the rising figure.

"Who-who are you?!"

The red haired man looked just like Mark but his eyes were blood red and his nails were painted black, he stood much taller and more confident than the brown eyed man I had fallen for. His mouth curved into a smirk so sinister it made my stomach churn.

"Jackaboy, you don't recognize me? Why I'm Darkiplier, but you can call me Daddy."

I back into the wall and let my hand feel around, trying to find the door handle, "That-that can't be. He's fake. He's just a-,"

"Fake? Does this feel fake to you?" He presses himself against me and slides his knee between my legs, slowly rubbing his knee against my crotch. I bite my lip to keep myself from releasing a moan. He notices this and grabs a fistful of my hair, jerking my head to the side to grant himself full access to my neck.

I gasp as I feel his tongue slowly work it's way up my neck.

"Please- D-Dark. Stop!" He lowers his knee and leans back but keeps a fistful of my hair in hand.

"But Jack, I've been waiting for so long..." he bites my neck and tightens his grip on my hair, his hot breath against my ear. "I want you."

I shove him backwards and bolt for the stairs, if I can get away I'll be okay. I just have to get away, I get to Mark's bedroom and slam the door shut behind me, I fiddle with the lock and sigh in relief as I hear it click.

I hear a loud thud against the door then complete silence. I slowly back away but keep my eyes locked on the door.

"Jack, you're making Daddy mad. Open the door."

"No!" I instinctively scream back, he slams his fist into the door, his tone is laced in anger.


I scan the room looking for a way out or any sort of weapon to defend myself, no door. Shit.

"I'LL COUNT TO FIVE AND IF THIS DAMN DOOR ISN'T OPEN BY THEN-" he clears his throat and attempts to calm himself down but there is still fury twisted into his words. "I'll have to punish you."

I continue to keep looking for a weapon since there is no way in hell I'll open the door for that maniac, I look under the bed.


Nothing there, I stand and quickly and move to the closet, I could hide but not for long.


Nothing in the closet beside Marks clothing. Can't really fight off a guy with Mark's lucky flannel.


SHIT! I'm running out of time, I look over to the window, I could jump but there's a possibility that I land wrong and break my leg...


Looks like that's a risk I'll have to take, I throw the window open and quickly squeeze myself through. I take a deep breath and-


I hear the door being kicked down but it's too late, I hit the ground and take off running towards the street. Population is key, if I get to a well populated area he won't be able to hurt me.

The park!!! There must be a park near by! Mark has done multiple videos with fans at a park, let's hope there's people there now!

I run as fast as I can until I see the park entrance, I quickly glance behind me, but see no one there. I gradually slow down my speed and lean against a tree while I catch my breath, I see a family near by so I'll try to stay nearby so I at least have some witnesses.

I reach for my phone in my pocket but come to the realization that it isn't there, "Shit, I must have left it at Mark's house." I close my eyes and try to catch my breath when I feel all my air being cut off as a hand covers my mouth.

I try to scream but it only comes out in muffles against the persons hand, I squirm and thrash my arms around trying to get loose but their grip is too strong. I get spun around and stare back into those crimson eyes. I gulp as he leans down and whispers into my ear,

"You shouldn't have ran away Jack, now Daddy's gonna have to punish you."

I scream once again, hoping maybe someone will hear my muffled cries but no one comes to my rescue, I quickly glance around and see the family I was relying on had left. The last thing I saw was Darks twisted smirk before his fist collided with my face causing my surroundings to go black.

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