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Jack collapses on to the bed, still a panting mess. He pulls on his pants and smiles. He did it, he finally had sex with the man he's been in love with for years. Well does it still count if it's his body but isn't technically...him? Jack is still trying to gather his thoughts and wrap his head around what just happened when he's snapped back into reality by a strong hand grabbing his throat. The Irish man is lifted off the bed and thrown on to the floor before he can even comprehend what's going on.

"What did you call me?" The demon hisses as he stands hovering over the smaller man. Jack slowly backs towards the wall but with every step back, the demon steps forwards.

"I-I said 'mmm Dark!'" He tried not to stutter to make it believable but the red haired man could see the fear in his eyes and the sweat that was beading on his forehead and knew exactly what he actually said.

"Come here." Dark growls as he points to the ground in front of him. Jack frantically shakes his head and presses himself against the wall. Dark yanks his own pants up and narrows his eyes at the smaller man. "The longer you wait the worse your punishment is going to be."

Jack's lip quivers and he slowly stands, he takes a step towards the demon then darts for the door.

~Jack's POV~

I have to get out of here! I can't let that psychopath get me again, I have to find help for Mark and I can't do that if I'm trapped here with this demon. I hurdle myself over the stair railing and slide down.

"JACK GET YOUR ASS BACK UP HERE!" I hear him boom from behind me, he isn't too far behind. I have to find somewhere to hide, I run into the living room and see something much better than I hiding spot --I swipe Marks keys off the coffee table and run outside. I hear Dark right behind me so there's no time to rest, I slam the door shut behind me and quickly put the car gear.

"JACK GET OUT OF THE DAMN CAR!" He slams his fist into the window beside my head. I quickly lean away from the window, cowering in my seat. After he hits the window a few more times I lower my hands from my face and turn up the music as I watch his throw his fist into the glass over and over again, angered by the fact that he can't reach me here.

"No, I think I'll stay right here." I smirk and watch him throw his little hissy fit. He punches the window again and I see a crack begin to form. His smirk grows as mine quickly fades. I decide to waste no more time playing this game and quickly drive off before he can get to me. As I drive down the road I look in my rear view mirror and see the demon getting smaller and smaller until he's finally out of view. I sigh in relief and drive to the closest fast food restaurant and walk inside.

How can I possibly run for my life without some chicken nuggets? I get my food and quickly exit the restaurant. I go to open the car door when I feel someone grab my shoulder from behind.

I spin around and immediately punch the man behind me, knocking him to the ground. I gasp as I look down and see a man in uniform and not the red haired demon. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry officer! I thought you were- .." I stop for a second and realize how crazy I would sound if I told him I thought he was a demon that took over my best friend "-you scared me half to death! It was just first instinct!"

The cop slowly rises still clutching his stomach and narrows his eyes at me, "Sir, is this your car?" I smile and nod, "uh..yes! Why? Why do you ask?"

"I'm here because someone called in a stolen car and it just so happens that you're the one driving has the same plate number. Care to explain yourself, sir?" He crosses his arms over his chest and cocks his head to the side.

"Oh no sir, you see I was just-" I'm cut short by an all too familiar voice coming from behind me as he tightly grips my shoulders, making it so I can't escape his grasp.

"Playing a prank. Oh Sean, always up to no good, aren't you?" He stands behind me, breathing down my neck but I can tell by his tone of voice he has that stupid smirk on his face.

"What? No! Officer you don't understand this man-"

"Is my best friend. And that's why I won't press charges, officer. Sorry to bother you for such a stupid little prank." The demon hisses out as he tightens his grip on my shoulders, making me wince and squirm under him.

"Alright sir. You two have a good day. And no more pranks." The cop says as he narrows his eyes at me.

"Don't worry officer, I'll make sure he won't be a problem anymore." I try to call after the police officer to tell him what's really going on and beg for help but Dark intensifies the pressure on my shoulders to the point where I can't make a noise. I watch him walk away as tears roll down my cheeks.

That's it. My last hope of getting away from this monster...and I just let it slip through my fingers.

Dark shoves me into the side of the car and presses himself against me. "Listen to me you piece of shit, you try anything like that again and I'll fucking kill you. Do you understand me?" I slowly nod and wipe the tears from my eyes. He gets off of me and opens the passenger door, slamming the door behind me after I slide in.

The entire ride back to Mark's house was completely silent. I was too afraid to try to speak and Dark...well..I don't even want to begin to imagine what's going through his mind.

I'm sorry for being lazy and not updating as quickly as I should but I'm SO very grateful for you guys!!! Thanks for dealing with my crap!! 💜
Also don't forget to vote and comment! 👋🏼☺️

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