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The cold blade presses further into my neck, the demon who was looming over me releases a sadistic chuckle. I feel Damian's hot breath on my neck, then it lingers over my ear. He places a soft kiss there then whispers, "don't worry Dark, I'll make this as slow and painful as possible".

I struggle against his grip and hiss in pain as he slowly presses the knife deeper into my skin. The warm liquid starts to trickle down my chilled skin and I groan in pain, struggling against the demons grip.

Damian removes the blade from my neck as a loud crash rings through the house.

"What the fuck was that?" He sits back and turns his attention towards the small green haired demon pushing himself off the glass covered floor.

"Dârk!? Bâbÿ, whërë ârē ÿøū?!"

I use all my strength to force the larger demon on to the floor, knocking the blade out of his hand. I pin him against the floor and look up at Anti, "Anti! Get the knife!"

"Dârk! Øh mÿ gôd ÿøûr ñêćk îś błéëdīñg!"

I struggle to keep Damian pinned on the floor and glare down at him, "Anti! Seriously, not now! Get the fucking knife!" Anti runs over to the blade and grabs it, I release one of Damian's arms to take the knife from Anti but as soon as he's out of my grip I feel myself being lifted off the ground and hurdled across the room.

I skid across the floor, ending up in the broken glass I saw from before. I glance up at the broken window where Anti must have entered from as I push myself back up and pull a piece of glass out of my hand.

"Dârk! Łöøk øût!"

I quickly turn my attention back towards them and see Damian charging towards me full force, I lunge out of the way at the last possible second, causing him to dive straight on to the glass covered floor, where I once was.

Anti runs over to me and I take his hand in mine, "let's get the fuck out of here." He only nods and dashes towards the door, dragging me along behind him.

~Anti's POV~

We get so close to the door that I can almost taste the sanctuary, but then I feel Dark pulling against me. I turn back around I see that fucking prick strutting towards us, trying to rip Dark from my grip with that stupid power of his. I dig my claws deeper into Darks wrist and pull him towards me, "łêt hîm gö ÿøū âśšhôłé! Hė døéśñt wâñt tô bê wīth ÿøū!"

Damian's eyes flash a menacing purple and he rips Dark completely from my grip. "Say your goodbyes Glitch Bitch, if I can't have him no one can!" He snakes his fingers around Dark's neck, cutting off his airway.

Dark chokes and struggles against the bigger demon as I feel something I've never felt before. My blood begin to boil, my heart pounds against my chest and my hands begin to tremble. I lunge at the demon and grab him by the neck, slamming him on to the floor beneath me. I hear Dark collapse to the ground and choke for air as Damian releases his throat but I continue to stare into those ugly purple eyes as I dig my claws into his neck.

~Damian's POV~

I stare up at the little shit, his disgustingly green and putrid black eye bore into me as he cuts off my oxygen. The green haired bastard who once looked at me with pure fear has a psychotic smirk playing off his lips, almost enjoying watching the life drain from my eyes. I trash around beneath him but I can't get up, that can't be one is stronger than me! I'm Lucifer's son for fucks sake! I have powers no other demon can possess! That's not fair!

I struggle against him as my vision starts to blur, my chest tightens as it struggles to get oxygen but all of a sudden it all comes rushing back into me, I gasp for air and lock eyes with familiar red ones. I look over at the little Irish shit who was shoved off of me and smile up at Dark.

"I knew you'd save me baby boy. Daddy is so proud of you." I reach up and caress his cheek, he smiles down at me and places his hand on top of mine.

~Dark's POV~

I place my hand on top of his cold clammy one and smile down at him. "Goodbye Damian." I grab the knife off the floor and detach his hand from my face before ramming the knife through his hand and into the floor beside him, immobilizing him.

"Anti let's go!" I climb off the demon and pull Anti off the floor, we race towards the door, I grab the book from before and smirk at that piece of shit one last time. "Thanks for the book Damian!" He screams in pain as he tries to remove the knife from his hand. That was the last thing I saw before we were out the door, Anti smiling and giggling like an idiot.

Anti and I run down the street, hand in hand before he stops dead in his tracks, slamming me into the building beside us. I groan in pain and look down at him, locking eyes with his lust filled ones. "Dârk î häd ñô ïdêá ÿøû łíkēd béîńg â śûb." He smirks up at me and I can feel my cheeks reddening, "I-I...enjoy it from time to time.." I meekly say, avoiding his gaze. I can almost see the smirk playing off his lips as he whispers into my ear, "Mákê šüré ÿøū rémîñd mé whât á šłüt ÿöú ârē whêñ wê gët hømē." My breath hitches and bite my bottom lip, nodding helplessly.

"Yes, Anti."

He grabs a handful of my hair and jerks my head neck, whispering in my ear, "câłł mê mäštêr."

"Yes, Master."

Hoi guys, sorry it's been so long..I know I promised an update a couple weeks ago and never posted but I've been going through some stuff lately and couldn't find time to write. But we are only a few chapters away from the end of the story and I'm really sad about that because I love writing for you guys! 💔

I do have another story I'm currently writing as well called "The Boy Next Door", so if you wanna go check that out and give it some love I'd really appreciate it! Anywayyyy vote and comment if ya want and have a lovely day! 💜

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