Hello Jack

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I press the phone to my ear and listen to it ring only twice before he picks up.

"Mark?!? Are you okay?! I haven't heard from you in weeks I-" his accent drenched in worry as he spoke.

"Jack, I'm fine. I just haven't felt like myself lately. I just needed to take a break.." I didn't technically lie, I just didn't include the part about constantly being in agonizing pain.

"Well tell me what's wrong then, I've been worried sick..," He clears his throat then continues, "everyone has."

I hesitate to say anything, I know it'll only make him worry.


"I've just been having really bad migraines..nothing I do will make them go away. I'm...I'm just tired, that's all."

"Have you tried going to a specia-," he began.


"Well what about medication, there's got to be someth-"

"I've tried everything my doctor will prescribe."

"Well...maybe home rem-,"

"Jack, I appreciate it. I really do...there's just nothing they can do to help. There's nothing anyone ca-," now it's my turn to be cut off.

"I'm coming to L.A. to check on you."

"Jack what are you talking abo-" The line goes dead and I just stare at my phone screen.

Jack is coming all the way from Ireland to check on me?

I feel my heart begin to quicken and I sit down, my head pain starts to slowly fade and I smile for the second time today.

"I can't believe this...," I scan the room and wince "This place looks like a mess, I gotta get cleaning!" I rush off to clean my house before the green haired boy arrives.

Jack's POV

It's about time I here from Mark, he's been M.I.A. for weeks and when I saw his name flash up on my phone screen I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I thought it was a dream.

After getting off the phone with Markimoo I immediately bought a plane ticket there that leaves first thing tomorrow morning. A bit pricey but I couldn't wait any longer, my friend needs me. I can't wait to see him, I haven't seen him since our last trip to Disney. I had so much fun with him in L.A. I enjoyed every second just being with him...

~Time Skip~

I exit the taxi and tip the burly man, I quickly approach Marks front door and knock vigorously until the door creaks open.

"Hey Jackaboy.."

I can't help but blush, I love our pet names for each other.

"Hi Markimoo"

He pulls me in to his muscular arms and I wrap my smaller arms around his neck, god he smells amazing. I can see the pain escaping his body as I lean back and stare into his eyes, "I'm so glad to see y-" I begin before he collapses to the ground holding his head and screaming in pain.


I kneel down beside him and hold him in my arms, "what- what's wrong?! What can I do!?" I'm trying my hardest not to panic, knowing it'll only make things worse.

He pulls on his hair and bites his lip, only allowing a few groans to escape. "Mark, I'm right here it's okay. Just try to relax I'm-" he lets out another scream so loud that my blood runs cold.

"Mark, listen to me," I gently stroke his hair back out of his face and look into his chocolate brown eyes, "Im right here. I won't let anything happen to you." He opens his mouth to respond but his lip just quivers before his eyes roll back and he goes limp in my arms.

"MARK!" I scream, pulling him closer to my body as tears poor down my face. I pull out my phone to call for help when I feel him stir in my arms.

"Mark?" I sigh in relief as I brush his hair out of his eyes. I gasp as I stare down at them, they changed...they're no longer the beautiful chocolate brown eyes full of love and joy.. Now they are a deep menacing crimson...

"Hello Jack."

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