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I wake up and feel my wrists tied to something cold behind my back, I scan the room trying to figure out where I am but it's completely pitch black. I try to stand but notice my legs are also tied down. My heart bangs against my chest and my eyes fill with tears as my body begins to tremble in fear.


The door flies open letting light enter the room casting a shadow around the dark figure.

"Oh thank god, Mark help until me! This psychopath kidnapped me and told me he was Dark!"

"Psychopath?" His deep voice sends shivers down my spine. "I-I I-" He steps closer and squats down to my level so my baby blue eyes are locked with his crimson ones.

"That's not a very nice thing to say about Daddy." He brushes my green hair out of my face observing the fear plastered across my face. I avert my eyes down to the ground and he let's out a low growl. He grabs my chin and yanks my head back up, forcing me to look back at him.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

I whimper and feel a tear run down my cheek, "please...please let me go. I just want to be with Mar-" he cuts my sentence short by slapping me across my face, I keep my head down and bit my lip trying to conceal my tears. He leans closer and hisses in my ear,

"Mark is gone! I'm here now." He takes a deep breath and smiles at me, his crimson eyes piercing into me. "Now tell Daddy why I have to punish you."

My eyes widen and I look back at him with tears rolling down my cheeks, "please- please don't!" I let out between sobs. He smirks and wipes a tear away then brings it to his lips, staring into my tear filled eyes as he slowly licks it off his finger.

"How about we start with an apology."

I sniffle and slowly nod, "I..i'm sorry.." He scoffs and his hand collides with my face once again,

"You can do better than that."

His eyes narrow and I choke out another attempt, "I..I'm sorry for running away..daddy." I hiss out the last word, knowing that's what he wants. He seems content with my apology and gently runs his fingers down my hurt cheek.

"I want to forgive you, I really do Kitten. But I just can't...you have to be punished so I know you won't do it again."

I scream and pull against my restraints, "LET ME GO YOU ASSHOLE!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" He simply rolls his eyes and stands back up. He turns on his heel and slowly exits the room, I watch every step he takes towards the door until he's gone. I whimper once he shuts the door behind him, engulfing me in the darkness once again.

A few minutes pass and the door creaks open. I look at him and observe his every move. He takes his time, a small smirk on his lips, a psychotic gleam in his blood red eyes, both fists clenched, one of them holding a long object. I try not to focus on the object, knowing I won't like what I see.

He turns the lights on and I look around the room...we're in Mark's house. His living room..of course, the most discrete hiding spot is out in the open! No one would would suspect Mark. He's my best friend for shits sake. No one would ever consider him kidnapping me...he's smarter than he looks.

"Ready for your punishment, princess?"

I gulp and look back at his hand, loosing all color as I see him holding a long riding crop. He walks over to me and unties my wrists and ankles, I rub my wrist and stare at the door.

I instinctively take off towards the exit but Dark simply juts his leg out causing me to crash on to the floor. He wraps his hand around my ankle and yanks me back in his direction, I claw at the ground trying my hardest to grab on to anything to get any sort of leverage but he lifts me off the ground and I dangle upside down, feeling the all blood rush to my head.

"You're really going to get it now," he hisses and drops me onto the ground, I scramble to my feet and take a step back. "Please Dark, I'm sorry. I-I just don't want to be punished! I won't do it again- I swear!!" He doesn't respond just grabs me by my shirt and throws me over the arm of the couch, he presses the side of my face into the cushion and yanks down my pants with his other hand. "NO! Dark-please don't do this!" Tears roll down my cheek as he gently rubs his hand across my ass.

"You have such a pretty ass Kitten, too bad Daddy has to tear it up." He slides his finger into the waistband of my boxers and slowly slides them down to the floor. I let out choked sobs as he runs the riding crop in little circles on my ass.

My breath hitches as he strikes down with no mercy, "count." He hisses into my ear and I whimper and quietly respond "one". He brings the riding crop back down on my ass, even harder than the last time. "Louder."

"TWO," I bite my lip and try to contain my tears.

I hear him chuckle as he smacks me with it again, I squeeze the cushion and grit my teeth, "three".

We get all the way to seven before I decided I had enough and snap back at him "FUCK YOU, AND YOUR STUPID COUNTING YA PIECE OF SHITE! I WANT MARK BACK!"

He lets out a low growl and flips me over so I can see his face. "Is that what you want? You want Daddy to fuck you?" I frantically shake my head and start crying uncontrollably. He squeezes my face in his hand and stares into my glossy eyes. "Then shut up and take your punishment like a good boy." I slowly nod my head as he bends me back over the arm of the couch.

I feel his nails dig into the back of my neck and he smacks my ass once again, "eight".

"No, no no. We're starting over since you got an attitude with Daddy." I whimper at just the thought of trying to work our way back up to ten, my ass is already burning from all the hits already but I decide retaliating isn't the best idea right now.

"Yes Daddy."

This is my first time writing a "smutty" scene so lemme know how you feel about it. Was it smutty enough for you guys or like was that okay??? Orrrrr...?

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