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/rewritten chapter, enjoy/

Anti. Are you sure you want to do this?"

The green haired demon just stands there, staring intensely at the book, he doesn't say anything, he just stares. I watch him for a moment, half expecting him to speak up and refuse to let me do this alone, half hoping he'd make me do this by myself to avoid the possibility of him getting hurt. I glance down at the book resting on my palms and sigh.

"Anti?..I don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable doing...I can do this alone."

He snatches the book from my hands and glares at me, "döñ't bé štūpîd Dârk, wè'ré dôīñg thîś tøgêthër! Béšīdéš, Î cöūłd ñèvér łét ÿøū dø thîš ãłöñè," his frown curls up into a smirk and he holds the book tightly to his chest, "ī êñjøÿ béīñg ÿøūr Dáddÿ töô mūćh~."

I feel my face heat up and snatch the book back from him, "st-stop doing that." I turn away from him but he grabs my arm and turns me back so I'm facing him, "štöp døîñg whât, bâbÿ?" His smirk only continues to grow as my eyes grow more narrow.

"Stop rubbing that in my face."

"Büt ÿøū wérê bēggîñg mé tö rūb ít în ÿøür fáčë łášt ñîght~" he purrs as he saunters past me, that stupid smirk still plastered across his face.

I open my mouth to retaliate but decide it's better to just let him think he won, "If you're done being a prick can we go ahead and get this over with?" He chuckles to himself before returning to my side, I open the book and flip through a few pages before stumbling across the page I was looking for, 'Separation of Demon and Living Conduit'.

"Here, this is the one we need...it doesn't really come with directions like I was hoping.. so, uh.. I guess just say the phrase with me?"

Anti says nothing but simply nods his head and leans over the book as well, I take a deep breath before we chant the spell in unison. After we finish I shut the book and we both stand there in silence, waiting for something, anything to happen but nothing does. He glances over at me and opens his mouth to speak but before a word can slip past his lips the book harshly opens back to the page we just recited and falls to the floor with a loud thud. A metallic green light erupts from the pages and brightens the entirety of the room, I hear Anti breathe in a sharp breath before he collapses to the floor.

"Anti! Baby! What's going on, are you okay?!"

He bellows in agony as he pulls his knees to his chest, "Babe I can't help unless you tell me wha-" I cut myself short by the sharp pain that overwhelms me, I find myself mimicking his exact image as my vision begins to go blurry, I can hear Mark screaming out in pain inside my head as well. Anti's shrieks only intensify as I slowly reach out for him, the sight of him doubling before I can get to him, "A-Anti..". Once my fingertips graze his skin the pain I'm enduring renders me powerless and I feel the darkness consume me.

Anti's POV

"Dârk? Därk, bâbÿ. Ćåñ ÿøū hêàr më?"

"Därk, bâbÿ..î ñéēd ÿøù tø wâkē üp ñøw!"

"Dárk! Thïš īśñt fūññÿ! Wâkē ûp!"

"Płéášē. . ."

I slam my fists down onto his chest as tears prick at the corners of my eyes, "WÂKÈ ÜP ŸØŪ ŠØÑ ÔF Â BÎTČH!!"

His body jolts up at the collision but flops back down, lifeless and cold. I bite my lip and try to restrain the tears that are fighting desperately to fall down my face. "Därk...płéäšé, Î..Î..."

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