Creation Day

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-Dark's POV-

For a week straight Anti and I had full control over our bodies. Using every available moment to ruin Mark and Sean's "goody good" reputations, we partied a little too hard, some nights I could keep up with the Irish bastard but alcohol and I don't mix well together so most of the time he would out drink me. One night, Anti got a little bit out of control and somehow convinced me to help him steal a car. We didn't get far before I smashed it into a tree and we ran like our lives depended on it. I'm still not sure how we got out of that to be completely honest.

The very next night the bastard talked me into going bar hopping with him and once again his Irish tendencies got the best of him. He had way too much whiskey and tried to fight some guy and ended up unraveling this huge bar fight between us and every other person in the bar. If it wasn't for our demonic strength the bastard would have gotten us both killed! After that whole ordeal he took me on this long walk, blabbering about God knows what but we end up on top of this huge building in L.A. I'm still not really sure how we got there but once we were up there this different side of Anti came out. He talked about the stars and the constellations and about how similar love and the stars are. I struggled to keep a nonchalant face but with every word he said I fell harder for him. The stars around us seemed dim compared to his sparkling green eyes. I caught myself leaning towards him, our lips inches apart, his hot breath against mine.

Then, he shoves me backwards off the end the of the fucking building, catching my hand and pulling me back up at the last possible second.

Hearing that glitchy, annoyingly beautiful laugh of his took my breath more than almost falling to my death. I would never admit it to him but, that was the best week of my entire life. Every second I spent doing stupid shit with him made my heart melt, I would never show it on the outside but on the inside all I could feel was butterflies.

That was until my creation day.

Creation day for demons is basically the equivalent of birthdays for humans. We celebrate the day whatever demon decided to get freaky with a human and bring us into the human world and to share a body with said human. The good thing about creation day is the humans soul is weakened which gives the demon full control over the body for the entire day. Most demons do whatever they can to weaken their human side even more in attempt to gain permanent control over the body. Usually killing a close relative or ruining their relationship with their partner. However, I always found myself celebrating with my master. It wasn't that I necessarily "wanted" to but more so that I felt obligated to do so.

I was in the middle of robbing an ice cream truck with Anti when I got his message.

"Your Creation day is tomorrow. Be at my place at 2pm. No exceptions. -D"


Hey guys! So I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know it wasn't "great" and it was kinda short but I got really bored at work today and thought of a new chapter for you guys about Darkimoo. I'm pretty sure I know where I'm going with the next one so maybe I'll do that tonight? Maybe not, idk please don't hold that against me 😅 Much love bbys!!! Blommet and blate if you would like and I'll see you soon. 💜💜 p.s. I love Irish people and know they aren't all little party animals so please don't be mad! 😅💜

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