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A/N: I'm sorry but Cartoonjunkie's drawings are just so 😍😍😍

Mark gasps and stumbles backwards, falling onto the floor with a thud. He stares up at the man hovering over him, this isn't Jack. His voice is too deep, he's much too confident and his eyes are a sickening green and a jet black color, no human has eyes like that.

"You- you're not Jack!" Mark starts sliding away from the man, staring up at him with wide eyes. The demon laughs maniacally and nods his head. "Who- who are you?!" Mark practically yells at the man standing over him.

"Thé ñámé'š Áñtîšéptîćéÿē, bût ÿøü cäñ cáłł mé Âñtí." He lowers himself onto Mark's lap and presses him down against the floor. "Ør Máštér, whïchévêr ÿøû préfêr." Mark turns his head to the side to avoid staring into those menacing mismatched eyes, "Anti." The half Korean man states as bluntly as he possibly can. " did you get here? Where's Jack?" Anti smiles, baring his razor sharp teeth.

"Whátš wröñg Mârk? Áré ÿôū wørrīèd áböût yöùr préčīöûš Jáčkáböy?" He leans down and licks up the side of Marks exposed neck, until his gets to his ear and nibbles down on his lobe. Mark bites down on his lip and tries to push the demon off of him but to no avail. "No Anti! Stop it!"

Anti winces and pulls back from the half Korean man. "I güéšś łîttłé Šéäñ dòéšñt wâñt mê áłł øvér hîś máñ." Mark turns his head back and looks up at him, his cheeks having a faint pink tint to them. "H-his man?" Anti holds his head and groans in pain, "Kñòck it øff ÿá pîéćé öf šhîtē!"

Mark moves his hands from Antis chest and grabs his arms, forcing him to look down at him. "Jack! If you can hear me you need to fight! This is your body! Take back what's yours!" Anti let's out a low growl as he yanks his arms from the other mans grip. The demon reattaches his hands onto Marks wrists, digging his sharp nails into his flesh.

"Thïš mÿ bödÿ ñôw! Dîd ÿôū réáłłÿ thīñk thát pūnÿ bâštárd cöûłd béät mé?" He let's out a hysterical laugh and pins Mark's hands above his head. "Îf thât wáš thé ćášé wøüłd'ñt hé štöp mé fröm dòîñg thīš?" Anti slowly starts grinding against Marks crotch, he leans closer and starts sucking and licking down his neck between the occasional wince.

Mark tenses and tries not to moan once Anti latches onto his sweet spot, "Ja-Jack! Help m-me!..Please!" The green haired man digs his nails deeper into Mark, causing Mark to scream out another cry for help. "Please Jack! I know you can do it! I just know it!" Anti detaches one of his hands and slides it under Marks shirt. Anti looks down at him, he can't help it. The red haired man underneath him is a mess, arching his back into the touch and biting his lip so hard he might just draw blood. It's so sexy it's almost pathetic, he can't resist himself at this point, he has to hear those slutty little moans escape those plump lips of his. Anti starts playing with his nipple, rubbing it in small circles, knowing how sensitive Mark is.

Mark tries to control himself but can't help but let out a small moan, knowing that it isn't right and hating himself for giving in to this toxic touch. As Mark begins to cave into the temptation and overstimulation he realizes Anti is wincing and groaning a lot less than before.

Is up?

Mark snaps out of the trance that Anti's touch had over him glares up at the man above him. He has to help Jack get his body back! Mark throws his leg up into Antis crotch, the demon groans in pain and topples over onto his side, holding himself and as he tries to catch his breath.

Mark sprits out of the room but doesn't get far before hearing Anti yelling after him, "Gét bâćk hêré ÿã báštárd! Îm ñøt døñé płáÿín wīth ÿá!" Mark runs down the hall and begins to panic once he realizes there's no exit on this side of the house. Mark quietly opens a closet door and slides in, locking it behind him. He slowly pulls his legs up to chest and takes a deep breath.

This is so much scarier in real life! Mark thinks to himself as he hears footsteps slowly coming down the hall.

"Márkîmøôöøøö, čömê ôüt áñd płáÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ!"

Mark instinctively covers his mouth and holds his breath as the creak of the boards grows louder with every step. He stares at the crack underneath the door and tenses up as he sees a shadow stop right in front of his door. Tears well up in his eyes as he hears something sharp being slowly ran down the door. Mark hears a slight clink as Antis sharp nails wrap around the door handle. It slowly begins to turn before coming to a quick stop, thanks to the lock.

The handle snaps back to its original position but the shadow doesn't move. Silence floods the tiny closet as a tear rolls down Mark's cheek.

"Hmmmm thé döør îš łöčkéd. Ñøw ï wøñdér høw thât hâppéñéd." Mark clenches his eyes shut and begins to tremble as that maniacal laugh rings through his ears.

Hi everyone! I just want to say thanks again for reading my story! Your sweet comments and overall support in my story is absolutely amazing and I'm so grateful for all of you! ☺️ Please continue to snake, sonnet and flare cause it makes me smile. 💜

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