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⚠️ if you're not here for smut or sub Dark stop reading after "~~" And we'll see ya in the next chapter bby! ⚠️

"Anti! Can you come here for a second?"

I hear the quick pitter-pattering of feet before I feel his arms lace around me, "ÿêš bãbÿ?"

I hold the aged leather book in my hands and gently turn each fragile, yellowed page. "Wha-what if this book isn't what Damian said it is...what if it kills me." Anti's arms loosen from my waist and he walks in front of me, glancing down at the book before staring into my eyes.

"Dárk, whât árê ÿøü tâłkîñg ábøūt?"

"What if it's just a bunch of different spells on how to kill someone in the most painful way possible, what if I read one of these and I burst into flames or some shit?"

Anti chuckles and takes the book from my hands, setting it down on Mark's coffee table and smiling up at me. "Wéłł bâbÿ, ÿøû'rè âłrēádÿ fłãmîñg, šø réäłłÿ îtś ñôthíñg ñëw."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest, "Anti. I'm being serious. This is a huge deal and I...I'm.."


I open my mouth but instantly shut it again, averting my eyes from his beautiful mismatched ones. He grabs my hand, "héÿ, îtś økâÿ tø bé šcárēd bâbē...î  wöńt jûdgé ÿøū...." he tightens his grip on my hand. His eyes fall to his shoes and he chews on his lip. "Îf..îf īm bèïng ćömpłétèłÿ hôñèšt..îm ścâréd tøö. Î døñt kñøw whát ï wôułd dö wïthøût ÿøû..."

I look at the book then back at Anti, "I'm not scared..because I have you."

"Âñd ī hâvè ÿøū."

I caress his face in my hands and kiss him gently, he wraps his arms around my neck and smiles into the kiss. The kiss is gentle and quick, unlike the heated, lustful ones we usually share. Our lips part but we leave our foreheads pressed closely together, my lips slowly curl up into a smile. "I love you."

His eyes widen before a toothy grin spreads across his face. "Ī łøvé ÿøū töø."

He pulls me in again and our lips mold into each other's, I run my fingers through his soft green hair and deepen the kiss. He places his hand on the back of my head and grabs a fistful of my hair, yanking my head back, and taking control of the kiss.

"Høw áböūt wé hâvē øné łášt gøød tîmé īn thèsé bødîéš bēförè wé čhängê?" He glances at the book then smirks back at me, I feel my cheeks redden and smile back at him.


He smirks at me then leans in and presses open mouth kisses against my neck, "wérê îñ thîš tögêthēr bâbÿ"

"I love you, Anti."

He smiles softly before he narrows his eyes and smacks my ass, "čáłł mé dâddÿ."

I bite my lip and stare into his eyes, "Yes daddy."


"Dáddÿ īśñt tøø hâppÿ wïth ÿôū bâbÿ bøÿ, łéttîñg śöméöñé élše töūćh ÿôū. Whât ä dîrtÿ bøÿ ÿøû árē."

He takes my hand and leads me into the bedroom, he pushes me back on to the bed and straddles my waist. We share a sloppy kiss, both hungrier for each other than we have ever been before. I drape my arms over his neck as he explores my mouth, Anti slips his warm hands under my shirt, grazing his nails down my chest before playing with my nipple. I bite my lip and try to conceal my moans, he must have noticed because I hear him let out a small growl and he rips my shirt off. "Döñt hîdé thöšè béâūtîfûł ñôïšèś fröm mé, mÿ háñdšömè prîñćë."

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