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....smut warning

Anti's POV

"Därk? Îś thåt ÿøū?" I watch him slowly nod his head as his mouth gapes open, I caress his jaw and shut his mouth gently. "Cłøšë ÿøùr møûth dårłīńg, ÿøù'łł çátčh fłiêś". I wink and put my pocket knife down on the floor beside him. "Šörrÿ åbøût thę çûtš bâbÿ, ÿøû jùšt løøk śø gøød įñ rêd." I say as I lightly outline his cuts. I feel him trembling beneath me and I smile down at him. I gently kiss up his jaw line and nibble slightly on his ear. He moans beneath me and I laugh. The poor bastard is already wrapped around my finger. I climb off of him and walk into the kitchen listening to him follow closely behind.

I stop dead in my tracks and spin around, looking into the red haired demons eyes. "Høw's àbøût wê hávę søme fün?" I smirk up at him as he quickly nods his head.

I grab the demon aggressively by his shirt and yank him closer to me, kissing him hungrily. I shove him backwards into the wall and press myself against him, attaching myself onto his neck, searching for his sweet spot. He reaches for my shirt but I deny him, wanting full control. I hold his arms above his head, letting out an uncontrollable laugh when he groans from the lack of friction. I release him only long enough to strip him to only his boxers before I press him back against the wall. I slowly slide my hands down his chest until I reach the waist band of his boxers. I snap the material against his skin and let out another laugh as he yelps. I lower myself to my knees and begin to palm him against the thin material. He starts moaning out my name, begging me suck him off and I happily comply. I take his member into my mouth and work him as he tugs my hair back. "Anti! I- I-" I quickly stop what I'm doing and stand. He lets out a faint whimper and I roll my eyes as I rip my shirt off.

"Nót ÿêt Dâddÿ, ÿøū hâvē tô wáīt." I kick my jeans off to the side of the room and wrap my arms around his neck, going in for another lustful kiss. Our tongues battle for dominance for a for quite some time before I give in and let him have it this time. He presses my back into the wall and grazes his knee against my groin, grinding against me. Before I know it I'm engulfed into pleasure and yanking my own boxers down. "Jùst füćk mé âłrêádÿ!" Dark spins me around and presses me into the wall, I instinctively stick my ass out, giving him better access. He yanks my boxers the rest of the way down and lubes himself up. I feel him line himself up with my entrance before slamming into me with no warning. I can't help but curse under my breath as he continues thrusting into me.

"Øh füçk- Dáddÿ!" I scream out as he hits my spot over and over again, he grabs a handful of my hair and yanks my head back. "Yés dâddy! Rîght thérê!" We release at the same time, mine somehow ending up on the wall. I let him ride out his high and then clean ourselves up. I throw my clothes back on and drape myself over him and smile, "sô nøw høw âbøüt wê hávé sømé réãł füń?" I ask, an evil grin spreading across my face.

I've been really busy lately so sorry for the rubbish. Also my coworker is right beside me while I write this and I have to keep moving so she can't see the screen. 🙂

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