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~3rd Person POV~

Dark entered the bathroom and stared at his weakening form, the red in his eyes was being overtaken by brown, his skin began to regain color. He was losing control, and fast.

The demon slams his fist into the mirror and growls at his reflection "Knock it off Fischbach" he snarled before doubling over in pain. He began to struggle for dominance, he needed control, he just got his new toy. He needed more time to play with him. The demon pulls himself up and stares at his reflection, "I won't let you hurt Sean." The voice rings through his head- that dreaded voice, the voice of that god awful goody goody that Dark just couldn't stand.

"He's mine. He'll always be mine." Dark hisses as he clutches his head in pain.
"Not if I have anything to do about it." Mark hisses back before they collapse to the floor.

Mark slowly rises off the floor, collecting himself as he scans the room. He won back his body..for now. He didn't have much time, he needed to get to Jack. Get him somewhere safe.

Mark quickly paces down the hall, searching for the little Irish man, his heart begins to pound as his mind wanders off to what Dark could have done to his best friend...his love. He opens the door to his room and sees the smaller man laying on the bed, fear in his eyes as he stares back at the man in the doorway.

"Sean!" Mark runs over to him and wraps his arms around him, the Irish man struggles against him.

"GET OFF ME YOU PSYCHOPATH!" Jack screams as he pushes the red haired man off of him. Mark stumbles backwards and stares at him.

"'s me..Mark.." Jack's eyes brim with tears as he recognizes those chocolate brown eyes.

"Mark- oh my god! I'm so glad it's you!" The Irish man wraps his arms around the half Korean mans neck. "What is going on Mark? What-who is Dark? And why-" the green haired man is cut short as Mark gently pulls away from him.

"He...he's my alter opposite..almost a demonic presence that over takes my body..he makes me say and do things I would never even imagine doing...I know I sound crazy..but you have to trust me Jack, I would never hurt you. I
love-uh.. need you.." Marks voice cracking slightly towards the end of his sentence. Jack straightens his posture and puts his hand over Mark's.

"I'll never leave you, Markimoo."

"So now what?" Jack asks hand still placed over Mark's. The red haired man blushed almost as brightly as his hair and looks down at their hands still touching, Jack notices and quickly pulls his hand away. "So uh- should we try to find someone to help you? Or run away? Or what? I'm not exactly sure what to do, I've never been in this situation before." The Irish man rambles on but Mark just sighs and looks down.

"You run." He states coldly.

"What?" Jack frowns and stares at the man before him. "You can't be serious?"

"Jack, Dark has almost an...obsession with you..he won't stop until he has what he wants..I don't know exactly what that is, but what I do know is that he's insane...I don't want anything bad to happen to you so the best thing for you to do would be to as far away...far away from me."

Mark's gaze falls to the floor as he fights back the tears that brim in his eyes. Clutching his hands in his lap and avoiding the Irishmen's eyes. Jack gently places his hand on Marks shoulder and smiles softly at him.

"I'm not running Mark, I'm here for you. I was worried sick when you were gone and I'm not about to let you do that again."

"Sean, please-" Mark begins before Jack cuts him short.

"And I think I have an idea."

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