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-Dark's POV-

"Seriously Mark, don't you have anything besides these stupid flannels?!" I curse under my breath as I throw Mark's clothing out of his dressers, and on to the bed. Trying to find something halfway presentable to wear to meet with Damian is starting to seem impossible. He's always had very high standards, which thankfully, I only have to oblige to once a year. My body tenses as I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Whât äré ÿøū ûp tø, Dárkÿ?" I feel him bury his face into the crook of my neck and I relax a bit at the touch.

"I'm just trying to find something nice to wear today. But alas, all of Mark's clothes look like he's about to go to a backwoods barbecue." I say, scoffing as I throw a red flannel to the floor. The smaller demon chuckles at my remark and spins me around so I'm looking at him. "Bábê, ÿøù'rë wēãrîñg ä šùīt. Høw müčh mørê dréššÿ çâń ÿøû gêt?" He lets out slight giggle and nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck.

"This isn't what he wants, I need something nice but not too ni-"

"Hę? Hê whø, Dârk?"

I feel myself tense at his question, he quickly pulls away and raises his voice as he speaks.

"Whø thê hēłł ârë ÿøû gòįñg tø šèé?"

I smile reassuringly and take his hands in mine, "Anti, I'm just seeing..an old friend? I say almost as if I'm questioning it myself. There's nothing to worry ab-" Anti yanks his hands from my grip and shoves me backwards.

"Dârk, Î'm śêrīøüś whëré thė hêłł árê ÿøü gôíñg?!"

I stumble backwards, falling on to my ass and glare up at him from the floor.

"None of your damn business Anti!" I take a deep breath to regain my composure and rub my temple as I stand. "Anti. I just have to go for a few hours and I'll be right back, I promise. Now, how about you stay here and watch some tv and order a pizza." I throw Mark's credit card at him and smile, "Mark's treat." He smiles as he catches the card.

"Økâÿ, fïñé." He says skeptically. "Jūšt bê qüíçk, økáÿ?" I nod and decide on Mark's red button up shirt and black leather pants. "I'd love to stay and chat but I can't be late." I say as I change into the clothes. I walk over to Mark's full length mirror and press my hand against the cold glass, I stare at my reflection and a quietly whisper his address, hoping Anti doesn't hear. "Underworld, 66th street, apartment 6." I feel a jolt of electricity and close my eyes as I'm engulfed by a blinding green light. I feel myself being pulled into the next dimension and just as soon as I was sucked in I'm being spit back out onto the cold concrete beneath me, falling flat on to my face. After all these years I'm still not used to dimensional mirror travel.

I brush myself off and stare up at the apartment complex in front of me. I hate this place, I hate everything about it. The way the street is dimly lit, how it's so hot it's almost sticky, how.. my eyes narrow at the door in front of me as I walk up the stairs, how he lives here.

I knock once on the door and it opens immediately "Dark, I was hoping you'd show up." He smirks at me and pulls me inside by my collar. "Not like you had a choice anyway~."

-Anti's POV-

I watched him place his hand on the mirror and raised an eyebrow, what the hell is he up to? I listen to him mutter an address under his breath. The underworld? Why the hell would he go there? I cover my eyes as a bright green light emits from the mirror. I scan the room quickly before approaching the mirror, "Dârk?.....Därkįmøø?" I stare at my own gruff reflection then sigh.

Obviously he doesn't want me to follow or he would have told me where he was going in the first place. I narrow my eyes and cross my arms at just the thought.

I trudge back to Mark's bed and grab his credit card. Observing the card, I let my claws gently trace over each number slowly as I stare at that big goofy smile of his. The bastard pulls it off quite well too, unlike Dark, who never smiles. That bastard won't show any sort of emotion, especially joy.

Sometimes I wonder if he's even capable of having emotions. The only emotion I recall him ever expressing was fear. It was just a few nights ago, when we were on the roof top and I acted like I was going to shove him off. Even though it was fear and it was only a second, it was comforting to know he could feel something. Even if that isn't the exact emotion I would prefer him to feel towards me.

I glance back at the mirror and throw the card across the room.


What if Dark is in trouble and that's why he refused to tell me where he was going. He could be in serious danger! I dash over to the mirror and mimic his actions, I place my hand against the cold glass and stare into it.

I take a deep breath then repeat the address my pointed ears overheard him say just a few moments ago.

"Ûñdérwørłd, 66th śtréêt, äpãrtméñt 6."

I clench my eyes shut as the green light reflects throughout the room once more and feel myself being pulled through. In just a matter of seconds I find myself skidding across cold concrete. I hear people snickering and quickly stand, brushing myself off. I turn and glare at the demons but immediately lose interest as I realize where I am.

This isn't at all what I expected the underworld to be like, there's no fire or lava spurting out of the ground. No one walking around with pitch forks or chains. It looks just like our world but darker, creepier, and- I take a deep breath and scrunch up my face. Smellier, definitely a more putrid smell. I turn my head to the right and come across what is possibly the most disgusting creature I have ever laid eyes on.

It was a foul creature, large and bumpy. It's skin was a mucus colored green, covered in festering sores each one leaking a dark goopy substance. It had long yellowing nails and a face encrusted with what appears to be a mixture of drool and a brown substance which I decided was best to stop further investigating. It must have sensed me staring because it quickly turned to face me, baring its brown colored fangs at me. I gaged and scrambled over my feet trying to get as much distance as soon as possible.

I run up the apartment stairs faster than I ever have, hoping the creature was left far behind. I wrap my hand around the apartments door handle and throw the door open, slamming it behind me and resting against it. My heart pounding in my chest as I slowly lean away from the door only for it to quickly stop beating altogether when I see


Hello my beauties! It's been far too long! I'm terribly sorry for the lagging updates, I've been going through some stuff lately and haven't been really where I needed to be to write for you guys. ☹️ For that, I'm terribly sorry but feel free to leave a commy and liker since you guys always know exactly how to make me smile! So much love!!! 💜💜💜💜💜

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