So, my friend asked me how life was a while back and me being the sarcastic smart butt that I am said that he was doing fine. I accidentally made Life an imaginary person in our lives. I've decided that I wanted to share our insane imaginary frien...
Off to the grocery store Life and I went. We were sent for one thing:celery. Well we got to the store and I went straight to the produce section and grabbed some celery and was ready to go on my merry way. Life had other plans. Down the next aisle we went and he got distracted by the cashews. Then the chocolate. He just couldn't believe there could be that many different types of chocolate. I finally got him to move promptly followed by him spotting the discount soda. Down every aisle he went until he found the frozen section. He went straight for the ice cream. However they didn't have his favorite: mint chocolate chip. So he was kinda sad after that. I bought him some green marshmallow peeps to cheer him up. Upon arrival at home I was informed I must go back to town to retrieve my brother from practice. I left Life in the kitchen with an opened box of peeps and when I return with my brother, Life was passed out on the couch with an empty peeps box. Assumption is that a sugar crash happened...
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