July 22, 2017

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"It's soooooooo adorable!" Life squinted at all the cute baby stuff.

I didn't really want to bring him to the baby shower, but he really wanted to come.  He wanted to come so badly, he promised he would behave.  That never happens.

"Can I write on the diaper?!" Life asked me.

I looked at the diaper sign in, "Sure, but think of something good."

"Hey, write 'I'm bootyfull' on it." Krista said, nudging Life.

Life looked to me for permission, "Sure that one sounds good.  Let's just hope they don't mistake him for Jason."

"Are they naming the baby Atticus like you said?" Life wanted to know as he wrote down what Krista had said.

"No, his name is going to be Cole."

"That's still a cool name!"

"Uh huh."

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