May 14, 2017

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"Help!" Life screamed as he ran into my room, slamming the door shut.

"What? You're acting like a hellhound is after you." I spun in my chair.

"I only wish that was it!"

"So what's your dealeo Life?" I placed my chin on my arms. 

"Today is Mother's day!"

"Uh huh, yeah and?"

"I forgot until just now."

"Don't worry, I got mum a nice card and some flowers, she loves flowers." I spun back to my WWII project.

"Im not worried about your mother, I'm worried about mine!" Life stomped beside me.

I froze.

"That's what I thought." Life wailed, "what am I going to do?"

It just so happens that Life's mother is The Mother Nature and she is kind of psychotic.

"Get in the car."

Life and I drive to the closest place with cards and chocolate because she hates flowers for some odd reason and hightail it home.

Mother Nature was waiting for us, "You're late darling."

"Sorry momma." Life ducked his head and handed her the gifts.

"Same old last minute stuff as last year I see." Mother Nature gave a disgusted glance my way.

In seconds the card and candy were gone and my room had three feet of snow in it.

"I think you mum still hates me."

"Don't worry, I love you and that's all that matters."

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