No Life & Death - Only Science

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Chapter 2 - No Life & Death - Only Science

I gazed absently around the room, trying to force the events from last night out of my mind. I sulked, momentarily letting myself sink into a pity-party. It was depressing to have my seemingly unending bad luck, spoil my usually jittery excitement for the first day of classes. Oh well, I sighed. It wasn't the first time my life had been threatened since coming to Morganville. And somehow, I was certain it wouldn't be the last, I thought wryly.

My attention nervously settled on a pack of girls, uncomfortably close to me. They reminded me of Monica and her little clique of terror, from my first year in Morganville. I shivered a little at the memory of Monica pushing me down a stairwell and pouring acid down my back, in between blatant death threats. I had fought my way to equal terms with the little monsters and since then, had made alliances with the Founder of Morganville, Amelie. Very few people messed with me, but that didn't mean I was going to take chances with this unknown group of girls. I leaned my body as far away as I could, while still remaining in my current seat. The four girls appeared completely disinterested in the class - instead they were discussing hugely relevant topics like their hair and nails - that is, until he walked in. I was startled by their sudden blank stares, and snapped my head in the direction they were looking.

Oh, of course. Now I understood. The mystery man had attractive features. Blond hair, that rivaled Michael's perfection, poked up, a bit sporadically, on his head. His hair's general lack of order only digressed further into blatant disorder, as he ran his hand through it, looking a little bit like a hair gel commercial.

One of the girls caught her breath.

I rolled my eyes and smirked a little at their response, priding myself on being unaffected by the newcomer. Why would I? I had a gorgeous guy at home.

Shane. His name brought a small smile to my lips. Shortly after being beaten to a pulp by Monica and her wannabe cronies, in my first week living in the dorms, I fled for my life and found an ad for a room for rent. That was how I met Michael Glass, owner of the house I now called home. And Shane and Eve, his roommates. I recalled with a smile how they had welcomed me into their tight-knit family with open arms, essentially saving my life. It didn't take long for Shane and I to become more than friends. His rugged good looks and sharp cutting wit drew me to him like a moth to a flame.

I was brought out of my reverie as the newbie crossed the front of the room. I assumed he was a transfer student because I had not seen him before. But then, had to admit a bit sheepishly, that I wasn't exactly acquainted with every guy in the school - well, hardly any of the guys, I acknowledged silently. My internal rambling was cut short when he didn't take one of the student seats. Instead, he settled his bag on the desk, approached the podium and addressed the class.

"Good morning. I am Professor Trey Silver." Now that he was closer, I stared in shock. He was clearly a vampire...and with a last name of Silver?! What the hell? I doubted the girls salivating behind me knew he wasn't human, but I saw the telltale signs -just a hint of dark under his eyes, like he had stayed up all night, plus slightly paler skin; neither of which detracted from the obviousness of his good looks.

"Chaos Theory-"he began.

My mind immediately transitioned to my first love - science. I was thrilled to hear the topic for today. I had read this section a few weeks ago, out of boredom. I quickly shuffled the pages in my thick textbook to the section, knowing exactly which page it began.

"Who can tell me the properties for a dynamical system to be classified as chaotic?" he continued smoothly, looking around the room expectantly. The corners of his mouth turned down at the collective silence of the students.

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