I trembled when we entered the room. I had heard there was nothing quite like make-up sex and even experienced it once or twice with Shane. But this...this with Myrnin was so much more...
I was struck silent as I watched him remove his jacket and un...
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Chapter 13 - You Have to Decide. Now!
Night filled the sky as I walked out of the hotel to the waiting vehicle Myrnin had rented. We had a one hour drive ahead of us, before the terrain became too difficult and we would have to continue on foot.
I stopped, surprised to see Shane as well. He was tucking my bag in the back seat. Myrnin stood motionless by the driver's side, watching me. I had hoped to be able to talk with Myrnin privately, so I could explain my reasoning for not telling Shane, but it appeared I wasn't going to get that opportunity before we left.
Shane glanced up as I approached and said excitedly, "There you are! I've barely seen you the entire time we've been here." He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly.
I tried not to cringe from guilt and muttered, "Yeah....it's been an eventful trip."
From my peripheral vision, I saw Myrnin clench his fist. Shit. I knew he would be mad, but it just wouldn't be right to tell Shane now. I would have to wait until we returned, so Shane would at least be in familiar surroundings when he hated me, and have a way to get away from me. I was certain he would want that.
Shane pulled back, assuming I was referring to Eve and asked softly, "How is she doing?"
Michael came up behind me, interrupting our conversation. I turned to see his expression tight. I knew he didn't want to leave without Eve, but Eve had mentioned he was also glad she wouldn't be in harm's way.
Without a word, Myrnin tossed the keys to him and walked around to get in the front passenger seat.
Shane eagerly pulled me into the back seat with him, while Michael settled in the driver's seat.
I purposefully kept my hand nearest to Shane busy, so that he wouldn't try to hold it. Now that things had changed, it felt like leading him on. Not to mention, I worried about how Myrnin would react.
Pulling out a notebook and pen, I began to write out the parts of a new formula that had been percolating in the back of my brain. There were a few other potential elements for neutralization of the poison, which I wanted to research on my phone, before we lost cell service. Myrnin had mentioned we'd lose service about twenty minutes into our hike.
We drove in silence, listening to what had to be a pop radio station, until we were too far to get signal and Michael clicked it off.
Shane fell asleep, so I turned off my phone and took the time to mentally sort through the recent radical changes. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I studied Myrnin's profile across from me in the moonlight. As much as I wanted to try to analyze my feelings, the events from the bar began to replay in my mind instead. I remembered, in exact detail, the charcoal color of his eyes that kept flickering to black when his desire would spike. My thoughts spun as I recalled the force of his lips on mine, demanding my response, and the way he felt when I had my legs wrapped around him. I wondered what he had in mind when he promised he could make me scream his name.