Little Minx

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Chapter 19 - Little Minx

"Myrnin, in the middle of all of my craziness," I blushed again, thinking about my earlier power struggle, "you said, 'that's not possible' and something about compelling you. What happened to me?" I asked, a little afraid to know the answer.

He contemplated before answering, "I'm not exactly sure. When I made the transfer, I assumed you would only be able to access defensive abilities, because aggressive traits, such as compulsion, are limited to vampires. They don't transfer to humans. However, once again, you defy the normal logic and order of things," he grinned at me wryly.

"Is it I dangerous? It scares the hell out of me to realize I didn't have any control....and with you, of all people. I never would have intentionally treated you like that." I diverted my eyes and said softly, "Although I did really enjoy the way you snapped me out of it."

He tightened his hold on me and whispered huskily, "Cariad, I am a predator. I enjoyed all of it."

Another wave of heat radiated out of me, causing my arms and legs to tingle. I was stunned again at the strength of my desire. He smiled, knowingly. I managed to slow down my breathing and asked, "And what the hell is up with that?"

I didn't have to elaborate further. He knew what I meant and teased, "Well that is just natural...given my sexual prowess."

I grinned, allowing, "Yeah, I was kind of fond of a few things."

"A few things?" he repeated my words with a laugh. "Is that what you call you're almost constant stream of sexual expletives?"

I blushed deeply.

He continued purring, "Which I enjoyed tremendously by the way. I like hearing what you are thinking every moment."

"Don't you think it's a bit redundant, given your ability to read my emotions?" I asked dryly.

"Not at all...I wouldn't have it any other way," he stated a bit smugly. I raised my eyebrow at him. He looked a lot like a satisfied cat who just ate the canary. Humph...I guess that makes me the canary, I giggled silently. And then, tried to pay attention because he was still speaking.

"But back to your question. I think you were just experiencing some of the excesses that come along with the heightened senses of vampiric traits."

I thought about that. It made sense. "When we get home, I want a full week with you - alone; no interruptions," I demanded, a bit petulantly. I was going to have to find some balance in my hormones/reactions and he was going to have to do that for me, since all of this 'excess' came from him.

"You can have me for as many days as you want," he purred seductively.

My belly curled in tight anticipation. "And stop using that tone of voice," I scolded him. We were never going to make it out of this bed, if he kept that up.

He laughed. "Okay, how about this? Your bag is here, so why don't we both get fully dressed - because we do need to work on your skills again. We'll practice for an hour or so, and then you can get some sleep."

"The sun is going to be up in an hour. How am I going to have time to sleep?" It would be better for me to well-rested before I began the challenge, but I wouldn't have traded the last few hours for anything.

"You will be able to sleep through the day. We aren't going back until tomorrow night," he explained.

Whew. His words made me feel incredibly better. "Okay," I said, my eyes fluttering shut. "I'll close my eyes, so you can get out of the bed without me seeing you."

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