Chapter 35 - Cat Got Your Tongue?
"Where in the hell did you put my bra?" I hissed.
"Me? I do not recall removing it," Myrnin replied innocently, his mouth set in a very satisfied smile.
I narrowed my eyes at him and then looked around the room to find exactly where I had tossed all of my clothing.
I gasped in surprise.
My eyes traveled slowly, my brain trying to catch up, as I took in the destruction. The once regal large hanging picture was now in dangerous-looking shards on the floor, its frame bent at odd angles. Office supplies were scattered like confetti; papers, pens and notebooks were everywhere.
Was that a phone? I bent down, letting my eyes follow a random cord that snaked under the nearby couch. Of course not - no one had corded phones anymore - it was a printer! It was wedged tightly. I realized it had broken one of the back feet, and was completely holding up that side of the couch now.
The sheer curtains were in shreds; the curtain rod pulled out of the wall on one end and hung at an angle. And if all of that mayhem were not enough, the desk had two handprints carved out of the sides!
"Fuck," I breathed in shock.
"We certainly did," Myrnin affirmed, grinning widely.
"Amelie is going to kill us!" I told him, my voice rising.
He responded with a deep chuckle.
"How can you laugh about this?!" I snapped. It was still dark, but I knew he could see just as well as I could.
"I did give them fair warning," he reminded me.
"You were serious when you said that?!" I realized out loud. "You expected this?!" My eyes were wide as I questioned him.
He smirked and explained wryly, "I know you. Put your temperament in a vampire body. Yes, I fully expected this."
I narrowed my eyes at him dangerously, my hands on my hips. He was enjoying this far too much. "Humph... We'll see how much you are laughing when you have to go without for a few weeks," I threatened petulantly.
"Even I know that's an empty threat," Oliver laughed in reply.
I gasped and spun around, but Oliver wasn't there!
I stood stock still, trying to reconcile how I had heard him so clearly when he was nowhere to be found. My eyes opened wide in horror as the realization hit me. He was in another part of the house! Clearly, Oliver had heard our conversation. Just as easily as I had heard his response!
The look on my face must have conveyed my sheer panic, because in the next second, Myrnin crossed the room and held me tightly. He whispered very quietly, so that only I could hear him, "Do not let him affect you, Cariad! Remember, you don't blush now. Your body won't give away your emotions."
I understood what he was trying to tell me. It was up to me whether or not Oliver would know if he embarrassed me. I breathed deeply, letting the unnecessary but comforting, human behavior calm me. I could do this, I chanted to myself as I got dressed and we headed toward the door. Oliver couldn't affect me if I didn't let him, I repeated, desperately wishing that maybe he had chosen to wander off to bed before we made an appearance.
No such luck.
Oliver sat reclined and perfectly at ease as he smirked, "Feeling better?"

All The Queen's Horses {Myrnin, Morganville Vampires}
FanfictionI trembled when we entered the room. I had heard there was nothing quite like make-up sex and even experienced it once or twice with Shane. But this...this with Myrnin was so much more... I was struck silent as I watched him remove his jacket and un...