And Then We Were Falling

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Chapter 14 – And Then We Were Falling

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Chapter 14 – And Then We Were Falling

Instantly, I was in motion.

The floor dropped away at incredible speed. No, wait, the floor wasn't falling – we were flying! Myrnin had wrapped my body around him in the same position as our kiss, I thought with a blush. This time however, my body's response was vastly different. Instead of shockingly strong desire, my arms and legs were locked around his lithe frame, holding on for dear life.

Somewhere in midair he commanded me, "Head down!"

Instantly, I tucked my head into his chest.

Myrnin's arms formed a loose circle, above my head, as he broke through the glass ceiling, trying to shield my body from the chaotic shards flying everywhere.

At the same time, an even bigger explosion than the one that had sent me flying before, went off beneath us, sending smoke and debris roaring violently into the night sky. Even though we were forty feet, and climbing, in the air, the percussion of the blast rocked through my body, almost causing me to lose my grip on him. I felt Myrnin wrap his arms around me like bands of steel, now that we cleared the glass.

And then we were falling.

I felt my stomach lurch into my throat at the sudden reversal of direction. I bit down on my lip to suffocate the scream that wanted to tear its way out of my lungs.

Then I knew with horrified certainty – I was going to die.

There was no way, at the speed we were going, that my body could absorb the shock of the collision with the unforgiving earth. In the back of my mind, I wondered what speed we would be doing when we hit the ground. It reminded me of my high school word problems: if a dump truck traveled down a 30 degree incline at 50mph, how fast would it be going when it hit a wall, five hundred feet away? I never thought about it before, but as my body plummeted to the ground, I wondered why the hell a word problem used an example like that. It didn't really matter how fast the truck was travelling; only that anyone inside of it would be dead, when careering at some unknown speed, into a brick wall.

And then it was over.

I only felt a small jolt to confirm his feet had touched down, before my momentum shifted horizontally rather than vertically. The force of the direction change was more startling to my system than when we made contact with the earth, because I was suddenly thrown even tighter against his chest, as he ran at break-neck speed.

It became eerily quiet almost instantly. I knew we had to be moving at incredible velocity, for the noise of the now distant disaster, to fade so quickly.

He had been right.

Whoever our anonymous aggressors were, they hadn't planned for an air escape. My eyes had been shut tightly, but I never heard another gunshot after that terrible last explosion. I desperately hoped our attackers assumed we had perished in the church, so that they wouldn't still pursue us.

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