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The pic above is the guesthouse

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The pic above is the guesthouse. Several things are referenced about the details of the house in the story below.

Chapter 17 - Clāmāre

The impenetrable metal door of what Gwion referred to as the 'holding area', gave way for me to exit and then closed behind me. The sound of the lock, snapping into place, reverberated ominously, sending a chill down my spine. My eyes dilated as I emerged, adjusting to the reduced light of the night sky. The sun had fled for the day, leaving behind a breathtaking landscape bathed in grey hues, reflecting flashes of silver in the moonlight.

I silently scanned the horizon, looking for Myrnin's form and found him about thirty yards away. He was pacing briskly. An already recognizable path visible, as he made the same circuit again and again. He looked like a captured jungle cat, circling inside of a cage, patiently calculating for the opportunity he knew would come. When it did, there would be no hesitation. Death would come quickly for his prey. My heartbeat seemed to shimmy up my chest and echo in my ears as I wondered what awaited me tonight. From his restless movements, I knew I wasn't the only one worried about the outcome.

The wind shifted. I shivered as the cool night air rippled across my skin, pulling the tiny hairs on my arms to attention. Myrnin turned toward me, his face a mixture of relief and concern. In one instant, he was standing nearly thirty yards away. In the next instant, faster than my brain could process, he was at my side. "Are you cold?" he murmured, quickly unbuttoning his shirt and wrapping it gently around my shoulders.

"A little," I sighed, gathering the fabric snuggly to my body. It smelled like him - spice and woods, wonder and brilliance, all combined to create the perfect elixir for my senses. I breathed in deeply letting his familiarity calm my nerves.

We began the walk back to the guesthouse, both lapsing into uncomfortable silence, unsure where to begin. I twisted my palms together absent-mindedly, trying to release the pent up anxiety of the thousand questions running rampant through my brain, but not one of them made it to a coherent inquiry on my lips. The scientific side of me desperately wanted to jot down and analyze all of the data, confident that the process would lead me to only one logical solution. But I knew better. None of the challenges I faced in the next few days would be that easy to solve.

After a long moment, I heard Myrnin take an unnecessary deep breath next to me. I turned toward him, waiting for him to speak. He remained silent as though he decided against, what it was he had planned to say. As I stared at him in the moonlight I was distracted by his broad shoulders, and watched the angular planes of his muscular chest, expand and contract with forced breaths. Adrenaline and nervousness shot through me. I ducked my head shyly, hoping he hadn't noticed the blush that began to spread across my cheeks.

I knew I was being ridiculous for reacting like that. I'd seen him shirtless many times. Hell, I'd even seen him pant-less. Myrnin wasn't overly concerned with society's expectations for proper decorum, and frequently ran around the lab in his boxers. I envied his freedom from inhibitions. But seeing him now was different. Knowing where we were headed and what we were about to do - well, what I assumed, but didn't really have any details on yet - was making my belly do backflips in suspense.

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