Be Ready for the Next Hit

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Chapter 49 – Be Ready For the Next Hit

I had too much pride to call Gwion back. "Argh!!!" I growled in frustration. I was thankful to at least know Myrnin wasn't dead, but still furious that I was sitting here, worried sick about his safety.

Thirty minutes of pacing later and I decided to go to his room, to see if he had returned. He answered the door. If I still had a beating heart, it would have stopped at the sight of him. His eyes were black and guarded. He was blocking me. My chest constricted. I guess it was only fair –I was blocking him too.

The air around us felt electrified with tension. I could almost touch it. The slightest pin prick and it was going to explode. I needed to tell him what didn't happen the night before with Gwion but I was still too angry. How dare he make me worry about his safety? When he was contentedly sitting in his room! I hissed furiously, "Why didn't you answer my calls?"

"I was busy. Look, this isn't a good time," he replied tightly.

Not a good time?! My eyes widened in surprise. "I'm sorry. Now that we are no longer together, was I supposed to call ahead and make an appointment? I would have...but you didn't take my call!" I reminded him sarcastically.

He didn't respond and something about his expression wasn't right. Anxiety began to build like a tight knot in my belly. He hadn't moved from the door. And when I heard a woman's voice call out his name, from behind him, I knew with shocking clarity why – Raven!

Agony descended on me, threatening to drown me. I wanted to die. In that one moment, I would have gladly chosen death over this unimaginable pain. His eyes registered my expression and his pain mirrored mine.

And then something inside of me snapped. It wasn't Amelie's powers roaring to life. It was different. Some sort of personal defense mechanism. It suffocated all of my pain, leaving me nothing left but white hot anger. My eyes blazed crimson as I spat, "Are you fucking kidding me?! At least my actions were involuntary, but chose to hurt me! So, all of that bullshit about not blaming me was what??"

The guilt in his expression told me everything I needed to know. Raven suddenly showed up at his side. She looked at me curiously and said, "Oh, hello pet."

Myrnin ignored her and ground out the words, "We will discuss it later..."

"No...We won't," my tone was deadly low as I replied to him. I turned to Raven and threatened, "And if you ever call me 'pet' again, I will rip your tongue from your mouth."

"What did you say?!" she hissed as she took a step forward through the door. Myrnin's arm shot out to block her.

A voice from behind us interrupted with a loud cough, "Uh hum...Claire, Gwion sent me to collect you."

I spun around in shock to find Dargan! So, Gwion had called in reinforcements. I suspected that meant Liam was also here. He continued, "We are going to a local gym to train. He thought you might need a physical outlet and mentioned something about 'no more of that bullshit sacrificial lamb behavior'. I'm not really sure what he meant, but it's not my place to ask questions." The gleeful smirk on his face revealed just how much he was enjoying Myrnin's response to his words.

I turned back to Myrnin. This time Raven was holding him back, while he vibrated with fury at seeing Dargan. I looked back at Dargan and purred, "Perfect. I was done here anyway." I walked away without another glance. Dargan followed me to my room. I noticed for the first time, that he was carrying a small clothing bag. "What is that?"

"You're outfit for today, courtesy of Gwion. He wasn't sure if you had work-out clothes." He set it on the bed and stepped back to wait for me to change.

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