Chapter 26 – Bite Me
The remainder of the flight had been uneventful. Thankfully, I slept through about five hours of it because I knew the moment we touched down, everything was going to be in fast motion again.
True to expectation, Oliver had vehicles waiting for us. It took under a minute for us to un-board the jet and be hurtling down the highway, headed back toward Morganville.
I clutched Myrnin's hand as we sat in the back seat of the speeding sedan. He was on the phone with Oliver. Much of their conversation was spoken too quickly for me to understand, so I stared vacantly at the blacked out windows, waiting for him to finish.
When he hung up, his features were grave. "Is she still alive?" I breathed. I could not imagine having come this far, only to have her die before Gwion could even try to help her.
"Barely," his brow was tight with worry.
He didn't say any more, and I was too afraid to ask. Amelie had already looked on the brink of death when we left a few days ago. I wasn't sure I had the nerve to be present while they worked on her, but I was fairly certain Myrnin wasn't going to give me the choice. I steadied myself, breathing deeply to calm my nerves.
Within minutes we reached Amelie's private residence, and were surrounded by what felt like a legion of her guards. Only Gwion, Myrnin and I were allowed entrance into Amelie's suite.
I tried to tuck myself back into a corner out-of-the-way. I noticed that Myrnin purposefully stood in front of me. I knew why when I saw the hatred and revulsion that rolled over Oliver's expression at the site of Gwion. Myrnin wasn't sure if they would fight, so was protecting me with his body. The tension was so thick in the room, if felt like a single pinprick would cause it to explode.
Gwion hesitated at Oliver's hostile positioning, both warriors sizing each other up. Then Gwion spoke smoothly, "I am only here to help her."
"Your help is never free and your conquests are many. Your reputation precedes you," Oliver spat.
"Indeed, my assistance here was not free. It was won," Gwion admitted easily, nodding over his shoulder toward me.
Oliver turned to me, searching my face in confusion. I guess Myrnin had not told him the story. I was not about to join this conversation, so I stayed silent. Myrnin took up the slack and explained a bit smugly, "Gwion initially turned us down; however, subsequently agreed to the trip, but only if Claire could beat him at a mental challenge."
Oliver's eyes widened as he looked at me again.
Gwion murmured, "And to little minx' vast credit, she succeeded. So you see, my friend, I am not here out of the goodness of my heart. And while my conquests may be many, your reputation precedes you as well. I daresay the blood on your hands could compete with my own – almost," Gwion replied with a chilling smile.
Oliver narrowed his eyes. "Get on with it then. What do you need to do?"
"That's easy... I simply need to bite her," Gwion replied with a smirk.
I inhaled sharply in surprise. Apparently, Oliver shared my surprise, but his response was more of seething anger as he hissed, "Fuck no!"
Gwion explained calmly, "While modern technology has progressed to a degree, I have reviewed all of Myrnin's data, and critical elements of the poison remain elusively unknown. I have the ability to diagnose and identify almost every element and ailment, if I draw it out myself."
Shocked, I asked, "Wait, won't that make you sick?"
Gwion looked at me and replied, "Your concern, little minx, is touching. Yes, while the danger exists in a small degree, I am also confident in my skills to both diagnose and treat whatever this toxin is."
I blinked, with no idea what to say to the risk he was offering to take.
He smiled at my expression and teased, "Wouldn't you enjoy 'lighting me up' as well?"
He turned back toward a furious Oliver, but I continued to study him. He had playfully teased me the same way during our second challenge. I had assumed everything he had shown me were lies, but now I wondered if that other side of him really did exist, but he chose not to reveal it for whatever reasons. Or maybe, I did know the reason. He had explained some actions were necessary to keep order. I knew from watching Amelie, that maintaining order over a colony of vampires did require severe penalties and repercussions to keep them in line.
Oliver was resolute in his denial, "No."
Gwion nodded and offered, "Take a moment to discuss it. Let me know if you still want my help, or I will be happy to take my leave." He walked out the door, letting it shut softly behind him.
Oliver hissed accusingly at Myrnin, "Did you know this?"
Myrnin nodded slowly and responded, "I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but I suspected it might after we ran out of traditional medical resources."
"You know what he could do if he bites her... It would allow him control over her," Oliver's face contorted.
"It is a possibility," Myrnin acknowledged. "But unfortunately, if we do nothing, it is a certainty that she will die."
"Did she know this before you left?" Oliver asked, his expression grim.
"Yes... She knew," Myrnin replied.
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All The Queen's Horses {Myrnin, Morganville Vampires}
FanficI trembled when we entered the room. I had heard there was nothing quite like make-up sex and even experienced it once or twice with Shane. But this...this with Myrnin was so much more... I was struck silent as I watched him remove his jacket and un...