You Want That?

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Chapter 52 – You Want That?

I stepped out of the bathroom to find Myrnin already dressed. He wore a dark grey snug fitting Henley that revealed the powerful lines in his chest. His black jeans hung low on his hips, perfectly outlining his muscular legs and always-calculating, predator stance. My eyes drifted down to find he had on the same black boots that he had worn to the rave.

I stood with a fluffy white towel wrapped around my body and another perched on my head to contain my wet hair, my hands on my hips as I faced Myrnin. I was a little – well, maybe a lot – irritated now that the subject of Raven was at hand. I frowned and demanded, "Why didn't you tell me Gwion thought Raven was the mole?"

"I planned to tell you. However, since you assaulted me earlier, we are now really quite short on time and must get ready to go," he replied, trying to hide his amusement at my less than threatening stance.

"I did not assault you. I merely had questions. You were the one who wanted to play a game," I huffed.

He smirked knowingly, "Did you really have any other plan when you climbed on top of me?"

In retrospect, I could see his logic. It was probably foolish of me to think we could be naked together in that position – or any other position, really – and nothing would happen. Even so, I dug my heels in. I wasn't moving until I had some answers. "Well at least tell me what the hell you were doing, during the time you should have been pleasuring me, but were with that whore instead," I responded bitingly.

Myrnin raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Should have been pleasuring you?"

"It would have been time better spent," I hissed petulantly. I knew I was being unreasonable, but I didn't care. I didn't like her and didn't want her anywhere around Myrnin.

"Oh believe me, I would have much rather been pleasuring you. Jealousy looks quite tantalizing on you, by the way. And for the time being, when we are around others, you cannot refer to her as 'the whore'," he explained patiently.

I glared at him.

He gathered me in his arms, towel and all, and spoke soothingly, "Rather than chase them down, we were setting a trap. I spent time with Raven, keeping her occupied, while I conducted various phone conversations and meetings...All while letting her listen in on our plans. I promise to tell you all of the details tonight, but for right now, you really do need to get dressed. You will be training with Dargan again today," Myrnin could barely say his name without growling.

What?! I was shocked, my attention diverted away from Raven. I questioned, "You're okay with that? Me training with him?"

Myrnin's lips formed a thin line as he replied, "For now." And then he softened as he kissed me lightly. "I've got to go now to meet with Gwion. Abby will be here for you in another thirty minutes."


After Myrnin left, I stared at the closet. I wasn't sure what to wear, since yesterday's sparring outfit was still at the hotel laundry. Thankfully, Abby arrived only five minutes later, carrying another shopping bag with work-out gear. I pulled out a fitness bra and tiny work-out shorts. I muttered, "I'm not sure if Gwion is purposefully trying to keep my half naked or if he just thinks I wear a smaller size than I do."

Abby raised an eyebrow at me and revealed, "Gwion didn't select that. Myrnin did."

My head snapped up to find her face, to see if she was kidding.

She wasn't.

I blinked. "Okay," I replied hesitantly, not really knowing what else to say. I was surprised that Myrnin selected something so revealing, knowing I would be sparring with Dargan. Not that Dargan had ever showed any interest in me other than the personal enjoyment he got from repeatedly kicking my tail.

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