Full of Surprises

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Chapter 38 – Full of Surprises

I tried to keep my hands from shaking as I dialed Shane's number. Pick up, pick up, pick up! I chanted in my head as I listened to it ring. I had no idea if Shane would even be willing to take my call, but I had to try. I waited. Just as I was certain the call was going to go to voicemail, he picked up and brusquely asked, "What do you want?"

"Where are you?!" I asked quickly.

He was silent for a beat. I could tell he hadn't expected that question. He finally answered curtly, "Not that it is any concern of yours, but I am presently with my date at a party."

"Shane, it's not safe...You need to leave..." I rushed to explain.

He cut me off, "What the fuck, Claire? You drop my ass in another country; then I don't see or hear from you in weeks – until I've started dating again and now you want to give me safety advice?!" He continued on harshly without taking a breath, "Well, let me put your mind at ease. I am perfectly safe. My date happens to be a vampire, shocking as that may seem to you – but you are not the only one who knows how to fang-bang."

I inhaled sharply, dreading the answer, but I had to ask, "Shane, what does she look like? What is her name?"

Shane's irritation with my twenty questions was raging as he hissed, "Gorgeous black hair that almost reaches her ass, a body that brings grown men to their knees, and silver eyes that look shockingly beautiful when she comes. Is that what you are looking to hear?" he sneered.

The venom in his voice cut me. Not because he was seeing someone new, but because I could clearly hear the pain and anger that flowed out of him – and I was the one to blame for it. It killed me to push him and really there could be only one female in Morganville who fit his description, but I had to be sure. I had to know what I would be dealing with. "Shane, tell me her name," I pressed.

"Raven... Her name is Raven," he spat and then the line went dead. I looked at my phone in confusion; what the hell? I had three bars; there should be no reason for it to drop the call. I cursed under my breath as I quickly redialed Shane's number.

The call went straight to voicemail.

After ten more tries, I finally stopped in resignation. The call hadn't dropped; he had hung up – and he clearly had no intention of speaking with me again.

Shit, shit, shit! I paced faster as my mind whirled. I knew he wasn't safe. And the only reason he was there was because Gwion wanted to play games with me. Once again, I was going to be the reason for his pain. Guilt shot through me, twisting down into a tight pit in my stomach. I had to do something! My eyes rested on the stunning indigo gown that Gwion had given me.

It was my only option.

Myrnin would be furious, but he didn't have to know, I reasoned. I knew the layout of the house well. There were actually two different portals I could access. I could be in and out with Shane, before either Gwion or Myrnin ever saw me. After everything that had happened between us, I owed it to Shane to try.

I quickly removed my clothes and slipped my naked body into the sheer blue fabric, stunned by how soft it felt against my bare skin. As expected, it fit me perfectly. I wondered how Gwion had guessed my size so successfully, but then remembered he had centuries of experience with the female body – and he paid attention to details.

If my heart could still beat, it would have been thundering in my chest as I opened the portal. My plan was to go in through the back of the house, trying to stay as far away from the main ballroom as possible. I was certain both Gwion and Myrnin would be busy with whatever hosting responsibilities there were.

I stepped out of the portal into a dark room, but the darkness did not prohibit me from seeing every inch of it perfectly. For a moment, I was stunned once again by the radical changes in my body. Everything had happened so quickly, that many of my new physical abilities still felt completely foreign to me.

I eased my way out of the room and down the extended hallway. As expected, it was quiet as I ghosted along, making my way to the exquisitely carved spiral wooden staircase. Rather than travel the traditional route down the steps, I gathered my dress in my hands and lithely jumped over the railing, landing silently three stories below.

The sounds of music and laughter drifted from the grand ballroom. I was getting closer now. I passed by a large industrial kitchen on my right and focused my attention on the room I suspected they would be serving food and drinks. It was set apart from the ballroom and if I knew anything about Shane, he would likely be visiting it, frequently.

There were people all around me now, both guests and the wait staff as they hurriedly traveled between the kitchen and the serving area. But thankfully, I didn't recognize anyone and none of them paid attention to me.

Gliding past the back entrance of the room, I cut my eyes quickly to see if Shane was there. I desperately hoped that neither Myrnin or Gwion were in the room, because there was no way either of them would have missed my presence, even as quickly as I darted by.

I was startled to actually see Shane. I hadn't expected to find him on my first try. He held two drinks as he walked toward the front entrance, back toward the party. Shit! How was I going to get his attention? I couldn't very well call out his name. I suddenly grabbed my phone and hastily sent him a text message: 'Turn around.'

I watched as he stopped, set one of the drinks on a nearby table and pulled out his phone. The muscles of his back constricted and he turned around to glare at me.

I motioned him forward silently with my hand and mouthed the word 'please!' He hesitated and then angrily walked in my direction. As soon as he emerged through the doorway, I pulled him aside into an empty adjoining room.

"I know you're mad at me," I rushed, "but please listen for just five minutes." The muscles in his jaw flexed, but he remained silent, looking at me.

I hurriedly continued, "Raven is Gwion's girlfriend. He likes to play games – I don't know why they are doing this, but I do know you are not safe with either of them around. Please leave with me; let's just go get a drink and we can talk."

"I know who she is," he replied coldly.

I sucked in a deep breath and asked in confusion, "But why then are you..."

"Gwion gave her to me," he added, as if that explained everything. When in actuality, it just made my head spin and I stuttered, "I'm sorry...But what the fuck did you just say?"

The satisfied smile on his face let me know he was enjoying my utter bewilderment. "The details are not necessary. He offered and I accepted. You've obviously seen her; would you have turned her down?" he asked with a smirk.

I blinked – repeatedly.

Okay, clearly I was going to need to use a different approach. I cringed, hating to give him false hope, but if that was what it took to get him out of here, then I would do it. Hopefully he would give me five minutes later to convince him to stay away from both Raven and Gwion – and not hate me forever, for doing it.

"Shane, listen, I've been thinking and want to talk. Please, let's go to Common Grounds. We could get some coffee and just talk... Just the two of us."

He eyed me suspiciously, but I could see a tiny glimmer of hope in his expression. "You look a little overdressed for coffee. Are you sure you don't want to stay here with him?" he asked skeptically.

"If you tell me yes...I'll leave right now," I promised, hating myself for leading him on.

He hesitated for another moment and opened his mouth to speak. I was certain he was going to say yes and held my breath, waiting for his response.

Suddenly, we were both interrupted by a deep voice behind me, "My, my, my... Aren't you just full of surprises?"

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