I Can't Help Her Here

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Chapter 7 – I Can't Help Her Here

I vaulted out of the bed, throwing on the first clothing my fingers touched, brushed my teeth and ran a quick comb through my hair madly, then spun to open the portal. It took me a second longer than normal because I was shaking from fear. I was certain something dreadful had happened. My fears were realized as I emerged out the other side of the portal into Myrnin's lab.

All of the lights were on now, blaring brightly. Myrnin was in the center of a group of vampires – a lot of them – all hissing and speaking too quickly for me to understand. Oliver was standing next to Myrnin. The expression on his face made my heart stand still. I wasn't sure I had ever seen him quite this angry...or was it 'tormented'? Maybe that was it – I had never seen this level of anger and torment combined in his eyes.

I saw the slightest inclination of Myrnin's head toward me. He knew I was here. I stood frozen, rooted to the floor, waiting for the throng of vampires around him to dissipate. Suddenly, all of them disappeared as if they vanished in thin air, running way too quickly for me to discern their movement.

I still couldn't speak. Myrnin barked out a list of equipment to gather. It was clear we were leaving. I had no idea where we were going but I broke out running to get the items he instructed. Less than a minute later, he opened a portal for us. As we went through, I finally dared to speak and whispered, "What happened?"

He answered shortly without looking at me, his face a hard mask, "One of the vampires just died."

"Died?! What do you mean died? How?" I stumbled through the words, trying to resolve what I knew to be true about vampires – they were virtually indestructible, as opposed to what he just said – one of them was dead. They didn't just die. I could barely get enough breath to ask my next question, but I had to know. "Was it Amelie?"

He shook his head shortly. "Her symptoms appear to be moving at a slower pace, but unless we reverse this process, we have to acknowledge that at least now we know the outcome of this poison."

I realized we were being ushered into Amelie's private chambers and almost let out a small cry when I saw Amelie lying on her bed – she looked dead. Her eyes were glassy and lifeless. I didn't know if she was in a coma or not.

Dr. Theo Goldman stood rigidly, his hands in sterile gloves, holding a large needle. Oliver reached to gently roll Amelie's body to her stomach. He looked as though he were deathly afraid that the movement would kill her.

Immediately, I felt like I should not be trespassing on such heartbreak and took a step toward the door to offer them some privacy. He wasn't looking in my direction, but Myrnin curtly ordered, "Stay."

I froze and just waited for his next instructions.

He opened her gown, revealing Amelie's bare back. Shock and pain unnerved me when I saw how thin she was. Myrnin mirrored my thoughts when he asked Oliver softly, "Has she been eating?"

Oliver's face contorted as he replied, "Not much. We are keeping a supply on hand."

By 'supply', I understood that he meant live humans, but looking at the state Amelie was in, that knowledge did not bother me in the least. Hell, I would offer her my vein right now, if she looked alive enough to drink it.

Oliver continued, "She can only take a little at time and cannot break the skin...I have to do that for her," his voice hitched as his emotions made it impossible for him to continue. I had never heard Oliver cry before, but I knew he was right on the edge of breaking down. Another wave of discomfort ran through me. I shouldn't be witnessing something that was so intimate and painful for him. But right now, I wasn't sure if he even knew I was in the room.

When her back was wiped with an antiseptic solution, Dr. Goldman slid the large needle into her spine. Oh, they were doing a spinal tap, I understood now.

Myrnin crouched down by Amelie's face, whispering words so quietly, that I couldn't hear them. Oliver was standing over Amelie's head, gently stroking her hair, looking like someone had lit him on fire.

Dr. Goldman let the clear fluid from Amelie's spine drip into a vial. As soon as he was finished, Myrnin called me to him. I slid to his side and crouched down next to him. Amelie's eyes flickered to me. I stifled my surprise, but was thankful that she was at least conscious. But then wondered at the level of pain she was in. Maybe the real blessing was the coma.

Theo held the vial out toward Myrnin. Myrnin replied without turning away from Amelie, "Give it to Claire."

What the hell?! I panicked. Myrnin felt my anxiety and turned to me. His eyes told me I could do this – I didn't know what yet – but he knew that I could. Warmth ran through me and my breathing relaxed. He nodded his head in approval, feeling the shift in my emotions. He spoke quietly before turning back to Amelie, "Package the sample."

I took the vial from Dr. Goldman and looked down to find an ice chest with an insert to keep the vial stable. I tried to keep my fingers from shaking as I made sure the top of the vial was securely closed and then settled it inside of the inner support before snapping the cooler shut. I suspected Myrnin was going to have me bring it to the lab, but he was still speaking to Amelie. This time I heard his words.

"Amelie, it's time," he spoke gently but firmly, "We can't wait any longer."

Oliver startled me when he suddenly roared, "No!"

I shook from the impact of Oliver's emotion. What the hell were they talking about??

Amelie lips moved. I couldn't hear the sound, but I recognized the word. "Yes."

Myrnin's face contorted in pain as he murmured, "I will make the necessary preparations and we will leave tonight."

I interjected with a quiet whisper next to Myrnin, "What? Leave? Who? Go where?" It struck me that I should try to come up with more than one word sentences. But it didn't matter because Myrnin ignored my questions. Instead, he slid away from me. Before I could be hurt by his rebuff, I understood why.

Oliver lunged for Myrnin, jerking him to his feet and slamming him against the wall. The force of their movement reverberated through the air to me, knocking me onto my butt. If Myrnin had been closer, they would have slammed into me. I couldn't focus on my awkward position on the floor though, because I was distracted in awe – Myrnin wasn't fighting back. He simply let Oliver pin him to the wall.

Oliver growled lethally. "I will not allow that bastard anywhere around her!" he seethed. "You don't even know if he is alive and you can't leave her, not when she is so weak!"

Myrnin spoke softly, "I can't help her here."

Only five little words came out of his mouth, but a host of communication flowed from his eyes as he held Oliver in his gaze.

I knew him so well that he could have been speaking out loud. I watched Oliver's face contort in agony as Myrnin silently told him Amelie was going die and this was their last hope. But, what was this? I still had no idea.

Oliver released Myrnin, his shoulders slumping in defeat. Myrnin finally turned toward me and answered my earlier questions, "We are going to Conwy. Tonight."

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