A Brother Bond

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Chapter 46 – A Brother Bond

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Chapter 46 – A Brother Bond

I lay naked next to Myrnin's chest, contentment humming through my entire body, giving me the most delicious tingle from head to toe. I didn't think it was possible, but once again, he had shown me pleasure beyond what I had ever experienced before. The last few hours in his hands, under his touch, had been blissful heaven.

My eyelids felt heavy. I was exhausted.

"Sleep now, Cariad," Myrnin murmured.

I planned to, but first I had questions that needed answers. "Myrnin, why did you trust Gwion to come with you when you looked for me? He has already proven he was willing to kill to get what he wants. How did you know he wouldn't just kill you and take me?"

Myrnin was silent for a moment. "That is a complicated question to answer....Primarily because Gwion is a complicated man. Over the centuries, he has had plenty of opportunity to kill me but he has always chosen not to. He would never admit it, but I am his greatest achievement. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a brother bond, but I am the closest creature to him. And as much as he insists I am no match for him physically, he knows that isn't true. It would be a devastating fight, to be sure, but his success would not at all be guaranteed."

I shuddered. I remembered Gwion's attacks on Ciro. I suspected it was just a small taste of what he was truly capable of. And it had been frightening to watch. I never wanted to see him and Myrnin fight like that.

Myrnin continued, "Make no mistake. He is cruel. You've seen evidence. He was perfectly willing to let Amelie die – as a result of his own poisoning, nonetheless. And while his goal was to obtain her, he gets off on the game more than the end result."

I thought about that for a moment. "He enjoys the chase more than the catch," I contemplated.

"Yes, it is similar to the reason he spun you into my arms at the dance. He doesn't want what is easy for him to take. And brute force is beneath him – again, that would be too easy. He has no genuine concern for anything or anyone. It all goes back to having nothing to lose. He plays games as he sees fit, just for whatever entertainment they provide him," Myrnin finished.

"So, he helped you get me back, but he still wants me?" I tried to understand.

"He most certainly wants you," Myrnin confirmed, his mouth in a hard line. "I can't fault him for desiring you. I certainly understand it, intimately. But he would never take you forcefully. His ego wouldn't allow for that. He wants you to choose him."

"He only wants me because of Amelie's powers," I contemplated. "When we get back, she needs to take them back. I understand it will put her in an awkward position, but we tried to hide them and failed. He knows now." I wanted nothing more than to be rid of Amelie's powers.

"It won't be that easy," Myrnin hedged carefully. There was something about his expression that alarmed me.

"What?! What are you not telling me?" I asked, my voice rising, trying to keep my panic in check. I just knew his answer was going to be bad.

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