Chapter 54 – Of Course It's a Trap
Myrnin saw me change direction and roared, "No!"
I didn't stop.
Instead, I fought my way through the tangled mass of bodies all around me. Amelie's power vibrated through me as I dodged, skirted and attacked with abandon, never really focusing on a single mark. It wasn't necessary for me to identify each of my opponents. I just had to keep moving.
I reached the outskirts of the crowd just in time to see Ciro disappear through a side door. He had Abby tucked under one bicep, her arms and legs flailing viciously as she fought. The look of frustration on his face was evident as he worked to contain her erratic movements. A small smile played at the edge of my lips. She sure as hell wasn't making it easy for him.
Once the door clicked shut behind them, my anxiety reached epic levels. I knew if he managed to get away with her, she wouldn't be alive for long. But she wasn't the one he wanted.
He wanted me.
Shit! This was bad. I knew I was taking an incredible risk, because the odds of his maneuver not being a trap were probably slim and none, leaning much closer to the none option.
But I couldn't stand by and do nothing. I was stronger now and had accomplished multiple fighting skills. If there weren't too many of them, I might have a chance. Yeah, that's the reasoning I decided to go with, as I made up my mind and shot forward after him, bursting through the door less than a second later. Only to find him waiting for me with a cocky expression on his smug face. Five burly vampires stood behind him.
Of. Course.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
But, it didn't matter. I wasn't going to just let him take her.
Abby hissed vehemently, "Claire, run! Leave me!"
Ciro leaned down to her ear and explained patiently, "Shush now, my dear...You are wasting your breath. She would never do that."
He straightened his stance and refocused on me. "So predictable...I knew you would take the bait. You just couldn't stand by and let an innocent be hurt, could you? You know you are too kind for your own good. I wonder how long that will last now that you're a vampire, with Amelie's powers flowing through you, nonetheless. I suspect it will be just a matter of time before your cruelty comes into full bloom. Not that you aren't lovely just as you are," he leered.
Void of conscious thought, my brain automatically lashed out, viciously attacking their minds, searching for any weakness or any ground that it could exploit.
Oh! What the hell did I just do?!
I inhaled sharply, startled by my own body's reaction. In the past, I had automatically shoved both Myrnin and Gwion out of my head on occasion, because apparently, my little brain does not play well with others, and did not like the invasiveness of a second consciousness in its personal space.
But this was different.
This was a subconscious aggressive attack. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. I had never felt Amelie's powers more extremely than I did now. The sensation consumed me, vibrating all of the way through to my fingertips and toes. It made sense that maybe her power had a good idea that I just hadn't thought of yet. Shit, I had to stop this rambling thinking.
I coerced myself to refocus.
Ciro's eyes had widened at the force of my attack when it washed over him, but he held strong. I cursed whatever drug he had taken that kept him immune.

All The Queen's Horses {Myrnin, Morganville Vampires}
FanfictionI trembled when we entered the room. I had heard there was nothing quite like make-up sex and even experienced it once or twice with Shane. But this...this with Myrnin was so much more... I was struck silent as I watched him remove his jacket and un...