I Love That Sound

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Chapter 40 - I Love That Sound

A hush fell through the crowd as we emerged. I kept my eyes on Gwion, ignoring all of the shocked and curious stares of those around us. He led me to the middle of the dance floor, and effortlessly twirled me in an elegant waltz.

I had to admit, I was a little bit surprised that my appearance with Gwion garnered so much attention, because they had seen us together before. But then I remembered Myrnin's words, "I would give anything to be able to walk in, with you on my arm, in that dress, and see the looks on astonishment and envy on their faces." He had known the effect I would have in this dress.

And vampires were extremely territorial. Coming in with Gwion, versus him, made an even bigger statement than the revealing dress.

A twinge of guilt flowed through me, but I stifled it quickly, distracted as the attraction I had felt toward Gwion before seemed to magnify, pulling on me almost painfully. I was irritated. I was already dancing with him. There was no need to try to control me and I hissed, "Stop trying to compel me."

He looked down at me in surprise, and then murmured, "Once again, little minx, I am not compelling you. Could it be that you secretly desired me when you were human, and now those feelings are a little bit out of control - just like the rest of you," he teased provocatively. His words were lighthearted, but his eyes studied me carefully, which was all of the confirmation I needed; whatever was luring me to him, wasn't normal... Even to him.

The music transitioned and Gwion turned our bodies fluidly. My contemplation over my mysterious attraction was cut short, because from the corner of my eye, I could now see Myrnin. Fury radiated off of his body in waves. If looks could kill; I cringed. The part of me that craved power and dominance flared strongly with irritation. Oh well, I couldn't help it if he wasn't happy. I lifted my chin. If he wanted to be mad at me, then I would just stay away from him tonight. My plans were rudely and shockingly altered, when Gwion suddenly spun me - right into Myrnin's arms!

My hands were trapped against Myrnin's chest, as his iron arms locked around me. The instant we touched, he invaded my mind brutally. The defensive block I had worked so hard to achieve, was ripped to shreds. The pain was excruciating. I was screaming on the inside, but no sound released through my lips as he compelled me to silence. The assault was so ferocious, I was not at all certain I was going to survive it. I shuddered violently in his unforgiving grip as he tore through my mind, forcing me into complete and utter submission. And then the pain abruptly ended.

I stood shaking and stared at him with wide eyes. Whatever pull I had felt toward Gwion was completely gone. I was finally back in my right mind - and horrified by the realization of what I had just done. "I'm sorry," I tried to say, but couldn't quite force the sound out around the lump in my throat.

His eyes still blazed crimson, as he struggled to get his fury back in check. I was actually a little surprised he hadn't killed me; he had never been this angry with me before. I waited and just kept murmuring the words, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" pleading with him to forgive me.

Slowly, his eyes calmed, returning to his normal dark chocolate color. I felt the tension bleed out of his muscles and he released my mind from his vice grip.

My hand trembled as it traveled up his chest to touch his cheek. "Please tell me you forgive me," I begged him in a broken whisper.

"What happened?" he demanded coolly.

I hurriedly told him everything, not daring to leave anything out. His eyes hardened when I revealed the unexplainable attraction I had for Gwion. "Dammit," he cursed under his breath. I tilted my head to the side. He was angry about it, but he didn't seem surprised.

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