You're Mad. Bonkers. Off Your Head...

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It was my darling sister's idea that had brought us all together on this cool, Friday evening. After three hours of binge watching Disney movies and stuffing ourselves on sweets like Hansel and Gretel, her mind had churned out a wonderful plan. My evil little dwarves were on their way to my house--which was vacant of our parents for the weekend--and the planning would commence from there.

Twenty minutes later, Ace and Lizzie stumbled in, muffling yawns with their hands as they flopped sleepily onto my couch still wearing their pajamas. I think Lizzie was even wearing her retainer.

"My gosh, did you guys just roll out of bed?" I mocked, snickering as Ace groggily peeled his head off the pillow.

"It's one in the morning, Penny. Of course we just rolled out of bed," he mumbled. His head immediately fell back onto the pillow and I was quick to remind him that drooling would not be tolerated.

Seconds later, the doorbell chimed again and Ian leaned against the frame, looking as awake and as handsome as ever. For once, I could appreciate his popular, party-goer habits that allowed him to be on his toes even at this early hour. His disheveled hair somehow still managed to look god-like, and his hypnotizing green eyes glinted under my porch light. I smiled before ushering him in as I prayed it was too dark out for him to see the blush creeping over my cheeks.

"What could you possibly want calling me to your house this late at night?" He purred in my ear, his low, smooth voice sending little snowflakes dancing up my spine and butterflies fluttering through my stomach. Nevertheless, I put on a mask of disgust at what his comment implied and laid my hand on his toned chest before giving it a light shove.

"Guess," I whispered back, watching in satisfaction as his eyes hardened and his hands tensed at his sides. I grabbed his hand--immediately feeling it relax--and dragged him into the living room to join the party. Lizzie and Ace were still sleeping like beauties, and Haley was absently scrolling through her phone as she sipped on a mug of hot chocolate.

"Oh good. He's here," Haley stated sarcastically, her eyes flickering up to us briefly before returning to her phone. I narrowed my eyes at her and glanced between the two of them.


"Your boyfriend over here--the drunken idiot--strolled into the bathroom while I was showering when he showed up here wasted," she growled, her cheeks growing red at the memory. I should've been mad, or grossed out, that my own boyfriend had seen my little sister without clothes before me, but I was too busy gasping for air as I laughed to care much.

"I thought you passed out!" I exclaimed, trying to talk around my laughter. Ian rubbed the back of his neck nervously and cleared his throat, and I noticed a tint of red creeping up his cheeks as well.

"Yeah...well not before I had the urge to puke. I didn't realize your sister was in the bathroom...and I kind of, um, barged in right when she stepped out of the shower. But I swear I didn't see anything! Well, if I did, I honestly don't remember," he explained, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Yeah, yeah. It's whatever. I already got my revenge when I sprayed him with freezing cold water using the shower head. That sobered him up fast," she cackled, and I saw a glint in her eyes upon remembering the misery of Ian Taylor. She truly was learning to take after her big sister, and it just warmed my hollow tin chest.

As the awkwardness in the room diminished, the doorbell rang once again and I opened it to reveal a gleaming Serena with Robbie close behind. She was panting, and sweat coated her skin. Only the two track geeks would choose to run here at one in the morning. With a quick smile, she maneuvered around me and trotted into the living room. I waited for Robbie--resembling Serena--to come in before shutting the door one final time. I couldn't risk calling on Kasey in case she was with Josh, considering she was our only inside agent, but I would fill her in later.

"Okay my sleepy, sweaty, sexy, and sisterly's off to work we go!"


The planning may have taken all night, but it was Friday and no one had anything better to do. Besides, the results would be totally worthwhile. I was thinking about making a YouTube channel that highlighted the misery I had ensued on Ian, Josh, and Chase. Who knows? Maybe some other "Penny's" of the world would benefit from my gift.

I was currently crouched behind a tall shrub next to Serena, each of us repeatedly peaking through the tiny gaps to see if the victim had yet arrived. Upon peeking again, I sighed and snuggled deeper into my deep violet hoodie. It was currently seven in the morning--so basically I was running on three cups of coffee--as we waited for Josh to get in his damn car. We had received a tip from an inside source--*cough, cough, Kasey*--that Josh had some early-morning errands today.

Lost in my thoughts, I jumped when Serena slapped my arm roughly--earning her a glare--and gestured towards the bush. Eagerly, I peeled back a few branches and peered through my peephole to see Josh walking out of the infamous Carey household. I clapped my hands together silently and motioned for Serena to start recording as I watched the show.

As the door closed behind him, I saw him freeze in his tracks, staring at his car in anger.

"Wow, Penny. So original," I heard him mutter as he continued walking across the crunchy gravel driveway. My eyes narrowed in anger, and had Serena not been kind enough to hold me back, I may very well have lept over the bush and killed him. However, he had another thing coming if he thought a few Frozen decals decorating his car was all I had up my sleeve.

I heard the car door slam and I instructed Serena to get closer with the camera...I had to get this on tape. As the car started, I instinctively covered my ears but to no avail. "Let It Go" from Frozen blasted through the street, rattling my eardrums and booming powerfully through the ground. I could only imagine the sheer pain of being in such close proximity to the source of the blast...and I'm so glad that I gave Josh the opportunity to experience such a unique feeling.

Finally, the idiot managed to find the volume dial and Elsa's enchanting voice sank into silence. Taking that as my cue, I lept up from behind the bush just as the car door flew open and a sparkly Josh emerged. Oh, did I mention that we put blue and silver glitter in his car's ventilation system? Not to mention the AC system was on full blast, ensuring that he would get a taste of winter.

I cackled and jumped up and down, pointing at the ugly princess glowering at me as Serena captured the glory of the situation--in close-up--on camera.

"You really are a coldhearted bitch, you know that?" He sneered, trying to wipe the glitter off his arms. I frowned in dismay, not at his comment, but at the horrendous reference he had just tried to make towards Frozen. It was an embarrassment.

I "tsked" him softly and made my way to Serena, throwing my arm over her shoulder as she kept the video rolling.

"Well, you know Josh, I'm actually not. But I guess you wouldn't really know that, huh, cause you're definitely not worth melting for," I spat, nodding at Serena to cut the recording. I smiled in satisfaction and together we walked down the street towards where we had parked the car.

"You're never going to beat me Penny, not with your pathetic tricks and sad looking helpers! It's just not possible," He called after me. I bit my lower lip hard to keep from running back and choking the smug little smile off his face.

"Well Josh, it's kind of fun to do the impossible. Toodles!" I called back cheerily as I climbed in the car with Serena.

Don't leave yet though! This fairytale is far from over....

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