I Get to Witness Ian Taylor Being Rejected by a Hot Blonde

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"I have Ian's diary! Dun dun dun dun duunnn dun!" I sang as I danced around my bedroom, clutching the small journal to my chest protectively. With a cheer, I jumped onto my plush bed and allowed myself to bounce multiple times, before lying completely still.

I held the book high above my head, staring at the red leather cover. I sighed, starting to thumb through the pages, but stopping myself. Damn, why am I such a good person? Reluctantly, I got up and set the journal carefully on my desk, deciding not to read it.

Unsure of what to do, I searched through my drawers for a change of pajamas, deciding on a pair of fuzzy blue short shorts and a white camisole. I walked down the hallway to the bathroom and took a long hot shower, relishing in the success of today's prank.

I was about to scrub my hair with my coconut scented shampoo, when something occurred to me. Curiously, I began to rub my hands together, watching as the white shampoo in my hand turned a mucus green color.

"Oldest trick in the book," I muttered, rinsing my hand off. Without washing my hair, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a fuzzy pink towel, letting my hair hang in wet ringlets down my back.

Once dressed, I went to my room, flopping down on my bed. It wasn't until he cleared his throat that I saw him sitting in the lime green bean bag chair in the corner of my room.

Astonishingly, I wasn't surprised, I didn't even scream or jump. Instead, I calmly turned to face him, pulling my legs up to sit criss-cross.

"Did you seriously break into my house again?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest to match my legs-I was like a pretzel! A smile crept onto my face and Ian raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Why are you smiling like an insane person?" He asked, partially amused, partially freaked out. I waved away his question and replaced my smile with a stern, straight face.

"So why are you here? Just couldn't stay away from me, huh?" I teased, wiggling my eyebrows. He analyzed me slowly, his eyes not once leaving my face.

"You know what I find curious?" He asked. I raised my eyebrows and took a guess. "The fact that you won't answer my question?"

He laughed and shook his head. "Uh, uh. I find it odd, how before all of this you were so shy you wouldn't look anyone who was popular in the eye. Now, you're not afraid to break into my house and prank a bunch of dangerous football players." My eyes widened slightly as I racked my brain for a good lie.

"Did you ever think you were just to conceited to even notice if I ever looked in you direction? Or any popular for that matter?" I retaliated, proud of my lie. The truth was he was right.

"I would've noticed," He smirked, and I shot him a look. "Sure you would've," I answered, sarcasm dripping from my words. It was silent for a good five minutes before either of us spoke.

"Well, I'm just going to take this and get going, plenty of pranks to plan," He said with an evil look, waving his journal in front of my face. I rolled my eyes and stood, following him to the window. I felt like such a rebel, having a guy sneak out my window.

"Not that it matters. I already know everything you're planning," I cackled. His cocky smirk faltered for a moment, but the look of fear disappeared quickly.

"You're bluffing," He decided, making my grin widen. "Maybe. Maybe not," I answered, annoying him further. He rolled his eyes and sat on the window sill.

"Oh, and by the way asshole-hair dye in the shampoo? Seriously? I can't believe you actually thought I would fall for that," I laughed, making him frown.

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