I Steal the Blonde Bimbos Crown...and Her Prince

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As I ascended the narrow steps to the stage, I could feel myself heating up, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. I walked as slowly as possible to the center of the stage, where Principal Reagan stood with a large grin on his face, holding the worthless tiara in his outstretched hands.

"Congratulations Penny," He smiled as he situated the tiara in my mess of red hair. I turned to face the student body, keeping my eyes glued to the floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him standing next to me, soaking up the attention he was receiving.

"Please, let's have a round of applause for this year's Wilston High Football King and Queen!" Principal Reagan announced, starting off the clapping. I heard the hesitant applause-people were obviously expecting Denise the blonde bimbo to be queen.

We were ushered off stage by the assistant principal, Miss. Hamilton, as the applause died down. It wasn't until we were secluded from the audience in the backstage area that I whirled on him, the tiara flying off my head.

"You owe me chocolate cupcakes!" I yelled in a hushed voice. He cracked a smile and I glared at him. It was then that I decided I wanted to be a superhero that could shoot lasers out of their eyes.

"They were delicious," He murmured close to my ear. I shivered and stepped away, only to back up into a chair-set up in such a way to make me trip and fall. I closed my eyes, waiting for impact, but it never came.

Cautiously, I opened my eyes and saw a pair of dark blue orbs staring down at me, partially amused, but I also saw a trace of something-was it concern? We stayed in that position for longer than needed, his arms circled around my torso, and mine were pressed against his chest. I'd never realized that his eyes were flecked with hazel, making them lighter and more mysterious up close.

"Do I make you nervous, Pennywhistle?" H murmured, his breath hot on my cheek. I stared at him wide eyed, unsure of what to do. I wasn't often caught off guard-and Ian Taylor rarely made me nervous. But for some strange reason, I felt funny-like I was on a roller coaster... I love roller coasters. I didn't, however, like the one I was on right now.

I finally came to my senses and replaced my timid and helpless look with a filthy glare.

"In your dreams, asshole," I growled, standing up. I thought he would drop his arms, but they stayed encircled around my waist, keeping me pressed closely to him. As if it were planned, Denise walked in at that precise moment-a shriek escaping her lips as she saw us.

At that moment, I was sure he would drop his arms guiltily, but he surprised me once again, leaving them where they were. Denise stared at us in horror, her perfectly glossed lips shaped in an 'o'.

"Wha-what? Ian! What's going on?" She cried out, tears forming in her eyes. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I wonder if she took acting...she'd be amazing at it. I felt Ian pull me closer, and I let him. Man, something must be seriously wrong with me.

"Nothing Denise, just here with my football queen," He said calmly and casually. Her eyes narrowed and she stepped closer, almost as if she was having trouble seeing us.

"Why are your arms around it?" She growled, making me turn my head away to hide my snicker. It was just too funny watching her try to intimidate me.

"Denise, why don't you go find a pole to dance on," Ian said, still calm as ever. This time, I couldn't hold it in. I let out a loud laugh, making Denise's' gaze whip to me.

"Yeah, maybe the flagpole out front? I bet you'd get a lot of attention there," I suggested, making Ian's chest vibrate from laughing.

"And money," He added. That was all I could take. I bent over, clutching my stomach as loud laughter erupted from my mouth. Denise covered her mouth in shock and slowly backed away.

"Bu-bu-but Ian! We were meant to be!" She sobbed. I straightened, still laughing, and angled my body so I could watch the scene before me. Ian had dropped his arms when I was nearly on the floor laughing, but they quickly found their way back to their original position. I looked at him curiously, but he didn't meet my eyes.

"Ian what are you doing?" Denise cried, watching him in horror. Curiously, I glanced up to see what was getting her all worked up and saw Ian leaning towards me, lowering his head to mine.

'Stop him Penny, you need to stop him! Oh my gosh, is he going to kiss me? No! No you can't let him! Pull away!'

My eyes stayed glued to his as his lips came closer, until I could feel his warm breath on my lips, his nose nearly brushing my own. Why wasn't I stopping him? I needed to push him away, like now. But something was keeping me from pulling back.

Finally, I came to my senses and turned my head at the last minute, his lips crashing into my cheek. When he pulled away, I had a tingling sensation where his lips had made contact with my cheek. Feeling my face heat up, I turned away and occupied myself looking for Denise, who was no longer there. She must have run out when we were about to kiss, unable to deal with the fact that a nobody like me had not only stolen her tiara, but also her prince charming. Part of me felt bad, but Denise was horrible to me-to everyone, so my sympathy for her was close to non-existent.

"You turned your head." Ian said, stating the obvious. I turned to him and rolled my eyes, my hands placed on my hips.

"Of course I did. I don't know what you're playing at but I'm not kissing you-that would mean I would be kissing about every girl in our school," I said seriously, making him raise his eyebrows.

"Actually, I only kiss the hot ones," He corrected, before walking out, his crown still positioned on top of his head. I was left standing in the dark, my sparkling tiara lying on the tiled floor near my feet. As I bent to pick up the piece of plastic, I realized what he had said.

I only kiss the hot ones.

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