Shocking Doors and Hidden Waterfalls

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I stood frozen in front of the table, the pregnancy test growing heavier and heavier in my open palm. I blinked back tears as my other hand clenched and unclenched at my side.

"What have you got there Penny?" Josh asked kindly from beside him. It took all of my energy not to attack him. This was clearly his doing. I snatched my purse angrily from where I had dropped it in the chair.

"None of your damn business," I snapped before storming towards the bathroom. The tears were starting to fall, salty drops leaking from the corners of my eyes and slowly sliding down my face, burrowing paths through the makeup plastered onto my face.

I burst through the bathroom door and saw Willow sitting on the cushioned bench just inside. She saw my tear-stained face and immediately dropped Chase's phone in her lap.

"What the hell happened?" She asked worriedly. I opened my mouth to explain, but all that came out was incomprehensible sounds, so instead I stretched my hand towards her and opened it to reveal the pregnancy test resting in my palm. Her eyes widened and her hands flew to her mouth.

"Oh my god! Penny whose is it?!" She screeched. I huffed and glared at her.

"It's fake you idiot! I've never even had sex," I muttered. I rubbed the tears from my cheeks angrily as I let Willow process the information.

"What's the problem then?" She asked. I bit my lip to keep it from trembling, trying to regain my composure before answering.

"Ian saw it. He thinks it's real." I whispered. Clearly unsure of what to say, she reached out and rubbed the back of my hand, remaining silent.

After five minutes of me sniffling and her handing me tissue after tissue, she gathered Chase's phone in her hand once again and grinned evilly.

"Want to help me?" She asked, looking like a little kid on Christmas.

"Duh," I answered, watching over her shoulder as she went through his contacts, renaming each person as a different My Little Pony Character.

"Which one is Denise?" I asked.

"Hoity Toity."

I burst out laughing.

"Is Granny Smith his grandma?" I asked. She scoffed.

"Of course not! How obvious is that? Granny Smith is Linda Stevens...must be one of his girl toys," she answered. I nodded, she was a cheerleader who he'd hooked up with once.

"So, which one is his grandma?" I asked suspiciously.

"Pinkie Pie. He'll think that's one of his girl toys and send some dirty text or picture to his dear grandma," she cackled. I laughed with her. She continued through the list. She had put me in as Princess Celestia, because clearly I'm royalty, and she had put herself in as Rarity, because, as she put it, she has a "rare personality and beauty."

"What's Ian?"

"Big McIntosh."


"Because he looks like the type of guy that has a really big d--"

"Willow!" I squealed, slapping her.

"Dog." She finished.

"He doesn't even have a dog," I argued. She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, all done. You go out first," She said. I sighed and rechecked my make-up, wiping the black smudges away from beneath my eyes.

"Alright, see you later you klutz," I said, walking out the door.

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