Dinner Date with a Stray

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I could tell you that the moment our lips touched I smacked him across the face and stormed away, because clearly I would never be attracted to someone as repulsing as Ian freaking Taylor.

I could tell you that the minute our lips touched, I woke up in sheer panic, covered in sweat, but relieved that it had only been a nightmare.

I could even tell you that this was all part of one of my master prank plans to get this asshole back for everything he did to me...

But all of that would be a lie, because the moment our lips touched I melted into him. His lips were soft and gentle against mine but held a sense of urgency. He tasted like evergreen mint, and I slid my hands up his chest until they were clasped around his neck, pulling him eagerly down towards me. Our mouths moved in sync, and my breath hitched as his hands moved from my lower back, to the base of my neck, and into my hair. His fingers coiled through my locks and he pulled me closer to him--if that was even possible. I could feel both of our hearts racing, threatening to burst from our chests.

I pulled away from him and gulped in air, leaning my forehead against his chest. I stared at the ground, thinking about how close are feet were. The toes of our shoes were kissing, the blacks and blues of his shoes melding into the blacks and golds of mine.

I could feel his chin resting on top of my head, and he was breathing deeply, his chest rising and falling under my forehead. I suspected that my breathing was the same, if not worse.

I don't think either of us knew what to say or do in the moment, so we stood in silence. At one point, I pulled him closer without realizing it, burying my face deeper into his chest, absorbing the smell of his cologne.

It wasn't until the sound of distant chatter and crunching gravel filled the silence that we moved, but even then we didn't move much. Something about it just felt so....right.

"Penny! Penny where are you?!"

It was when my mother's screeching voice cut through the peaceful silence that I jumped away from Ian, backing away from him as if he were some sort of deadly disease. I couldn't look at him...

I couldn't. I couldn't. I couldn't.


My eyes snapped up to meet his at the sound of his voice. His eyes were brighter than I had ever seen them, the early sun catching the colorful flecks in his eyes. His lips were pink and slightly puffy from the kissing, which just made him seem twice as irresistible.

Oh god, listen to me! I sound like some lovestruck, hormonal crazed teenage girl...

"Shhh! That's my mom!" I whisper-yelled at him frantically. Oh god, the voices were closer. Without thinking, I ran up to Ian and pushed him into the underbrush on the side of the trail. His eyes widened in surprise as he went sprawling into the bushes, his tan mop of hair disappearing into the greenery the minute my parents appeared a few feet away.

"Penny, where have you been?! We've already been to the end of the trail and back," my mom panted, bracing her hands on her hips as she struggled to catch her breath.

"I--ummm..." All of my previous lying training had apparently disappeared into the underbrush with Ian, because I couldn't think of a single thing to say to account for my absence.

"Well, no matter. We're going to go back to the house and tonight we're going out to dinner," my mom said, her breath starting to come back to her.

"Uh..with who?" I splurt out. I was honestly surprised I had managed to form any words at all.

"Angela and Ethan," my mom answered, gesturing to Chase's parents as they emerged from around the corner, stopping behind my parents. "And some other family friends..." my mom finished. I raised my eyebrows at her.

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