Revenge Comes with a Side of Glitter and "My Little Pony"

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I was sweating like a fat guy running a marathon as I booked it away from there. I could hear voices behind me, but nothing registered. I bit my lip and pushed harder, beads of sweat rolling down my face and tickling my upper lip. The sweat soon mixed with tears and my body begged me to give it up, to just collapse in a ball on the filthy sidewalk and never move again.

As my mind reeled and my legs propelled me faster and faster, my eyes blurred and I couldn't see two feet in front of me, which could explain why I crashed into a wall of rock...just kidding. Muscle, it was a wall of freaking muscle. I flew backwards, by butt breaking my fall, but my head slamming off the concrete. I let out a soft whimper and curled onto my side, cradling my head in my hands as I bit back salty tears.

I felt the muscle wall kneel next to me, but their identity remained unknown on account of my eyes being squeezed tightly shut. I felt their strong hands carefully lifting me, and soon I was cradled in their arms, my head resting against their chest. They smelled so familiar...

Suddenly I was being lowered to the ground, my bare legs brushing the crisp grass. I carefully sat up, my head throbbing and my butt aching, and looked up towards the muscle wall. As I blinked away tears, my breath escaped me.

"You..?" I murmured. He smiled at me and knelt down...

But, before we go any further, I guess I should backtrack and explain what happened. Whoaaaa! Cliffhanger! Don't you hate it when stories do this??

Eight hours earlier.....

After crawling back through my window and ditching my sticky, wet clothes, I climbed into a steaming hot bath, the smell of swamp water slowly lifting off of me. I soaked in my bubble bath for a good hour before the heat got the better of me and I climbed out.

Standing in front of the mirror, I sighed contently and wiped away the fog that had built up with my hand. As my reflection came into focus, I let out an ear piercing scream and ran back to the tub, grabbing my shampoo and conditioner off of the shower rack.

Ever since his first attempt at turning my hair green, I had been extremely careful in checking all of my hair products before using them. But I had checked this time! And nothing looked off! I gasped and returned to the mirror. I had just recently bought new shampoo...Strawberry Blitz to be exact...and the damn stuff was pink.

I stared at my face in horror, no longer framed by gorgeous orange hair, I now sported wonderfully bright pink hair. Angry tears filling my eyes, I lifted a single strand and inspected it, unable to believe that my entire head was pink.

I let my tears fall as I slid on a white tank top and ripped jean shorts before dialing Chase. It rang three times before he picked up.


"Chase, we're going to get him good. Oh my goodness we need to get that asshole so good he'll never know what hit him," I spit out, pacing my room as I spoke. There was a moment of silence before he responded.

"Oh, well hello there Pennywhistle! Are you liking the new hair?"

My stomach churned and I dropped my phone onto the floor. Oh dear lord, what have I done?!

An hour later, I was sitting on Lizzie's bed as she and Serena stood staring at me, contemplating the possibilities.

"Well, we could always shave it," Serena offered. Lizzie and I glared at her.

"It hasn't come to that yet," I  muttered, picking at my badly chipped fingernails. As Lizzie rummaged through her dresser drawers and pulled out three boxes, Serena disappeared into the hallway.

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