How Could Being Grounded Stop a Ninja like Me?

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I thought I was in for it due to the various amounts of missing food, but that was only a third of my problem. First, I was yelled at for not calling every single night I was out late, which recently, was almost every night. Then, I was scolded, thanks to Haley, who blabbed I was pranking again. Remind me never to tell her any of my pranking secrets.

After a ten minute lecture on why pranking was not okay, and another five minute reminder of what had happened last time, I stomped into my room to begin my one week grounding. And then, I realized it was two days until the football banquet, and now I was grounded.

I debated pleading my parents, but I knew that would only end in another round of questions, so I recruited Haley.

"Haley! Can you come's urgent!" I called from my doorway. She appeared the second I sat back down and I motioned for her to close the door.

"You're doing me a favor Saturday night," I told her directly. She raised her eyebrows at me and a smirk appeared on her lips.

"And what makes you think that?" She replied snootily. I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed.

"Because you're the one who got me grounded in the first place!" I retorted, my voice rising with every other word. She rolled her eyes and started absently flipping through a magazine that was laying on the end of my bed.

"Fine, what do you want?" She asked in annoyance. I smiled and explained myself to her.

"I need you to tell mom and dad that I'm sick," I explained. She laughed at me and stood up, placing her hands on her perfectly slim waist.

"That's your great plan? Have fun being grounded for another year," She teased, turning to leave. I grabbed her arm and yanked her down so she was sitting on the floor across from me.

"That's Plan A you little twerp, Plan B is far more fun," I grinned, reciting my plan to her. She was to tell mom and dad she was going out until I got back, and during that time she would lock herself in my room and pretend to be me. I know, I know, genius right? No need to praise me...I already know.

Friday evening. I was pacing my bedroom, my sweaty palms racing up and down the front of my purple sweats. A single strand of hair was repeatedly falling into my eye, and I was at the point where I was going to cut it off. Finally, my door swung open and Chase stood in the doorway, his hair disheveled and his eyes confused.

"What's the problem? And why did your parents even let me in if you're grounded?" He questioned, dropping his backpack next to the door. "And why did you make me bring my backpack?"

I sighed and fell backwards onto the bed, covering my eyes with my arm.

"I told them we were working on a big could you be a doll and lay some books open to make it look like we're working," I pleaded, not looking to see if he did in fact lay some books around.

I felt the bed sink down and I sighed, knowing he was now on my bed. Wow, that's kind of awkward. Realizing how uncomfortable I was with the entire situation, I sat up. Too bad I sat up so quickly that I got a head rush and fell off the bed and onto the floor. Chase's head appeared above mine, his eyes clouded with worry, but I knew he wanted to laugh.

"Go ahead, laugh you jerk," I groaned, rubbing my head. He helped me up and seated me back on the bed. I was sweating more now. Oh jeez, why was I so nervous? This was Chase...Chase Carey. I was getting nervous being in bed with Chase the football star Carey. Oh gosh...not in bed, just sitting on the same bed fully dressed atleast an entire foot away from eachother....oh you know what I mean.

"Care to tell me why I had to drop everything and rush over here?" He asked. I smirked and dropped my hands into my lap.

"You were doing something? I didn't know you had a life, Chase," I sniggered. He frowned at me and grabbed my hand, my laughter ceasing to a stop.

"What is it?" He pleaded. I yanked my hand from his grasp and started rubbing my hands up and down my pants again.

"I don't think I can go to your banquet," I admitted. He looked at me, confused, and waited for my reasoning.

"It's just, well, I'm grounded and I don't think I can make it," I lied. He smirked at me and stood up.

"Yeah, because being grounded is what would stop Penny from doing something," he said under his breath. I wasn't quite sure if he was talking to himself, or me, but either way I heard him loud and clear. I placed my hands on my hips and gave him a cold, hard stare.

"Look Chase, I can't go, so suck it up and find someone better to go with," I growled, not seeing my mistake until it was too late. His eyes widened in shock and he pointed at me in accusation.

"Ah Ha! I knew it wasn't because you were grounded, you're scared. I can't believe that you're scared, pumpkin," He said softly.

"Stop calling me that," I snapped, refusing to look at him. He appeared in front of me, but I continued staring down. He was wearing a nice shirt, it was an olive green color and it had three thin black arrows...

I was forced to stop looking at his tee shirt when he tilted my chin upwards, so that I was staring directly into his eyes. I stuck out my chin and tried to look more confident that I felt.

"Why would I want to find someone better to go with when I've already asked the perfect girl to go with me?" He asked, his lips twisting into a sweet smile. I chewed my bottom lip to keep it from quavering, but he noticed and pulled me into a hug. I don't know why, but I just let everything out. The confusion I was feeling, my tangled emotions, my new friends, the prank wars. Every tear that I had been holding back for the past five months was now spilling onto Chase's shirt, his really cool one. I sniffed and backed away.

"Sorry," I apologized, wiping my tears on my hoodie. He chuckled and took a step closer to me.

"For what?" He asked, clearly unsure why I was apologizing to him.

"I ruined your really cool shirt," I explained, scuffing my bare foot along the carpet. He chuckled and took one more step so that we were chest to chest. I thought he was going to say something really sweet again....

"You think my shirt is cool?"


Saturday night. The night of the banquet. I was still debating whether or not to go, when a face appeared in my window, causing me to let out a girlish shriek. I glared at Willow as she waved giddily at me from her perch on the sill.

"I think I peed a little," I admitted, a look of disgust crossing her face. "TMI Pen, TMI," She stated, walking over to where my dress was hanging on my closet door.

"This is so beautiful Pen, it compliments your hair," She said.

"Since when do you know anything about fashion?" I laughed, throwing all of my make-up into my travel bag, followed by my curling iron and jewelry for the night. She turned around and gave me a look of surprise.

"Do you not see this outfit?" She asked, sweeping her hands across her lace black dress, paired with a neon green belt and studded black boots. She gave up trying to convince me she was a fashion mongrel and started zipping my dress into it's plastic carrier.

"Okay, give me your make up bag and meet me down in your backyard in ten minutes," She said, grabbing my bags and disappearing dramatically into the night. Feeling rebellious and awesome, I pulled on black leggings, a black long sleeved tee shirt, and my black combat boots. I streaked eyeliner across both my cheeks, and pulled a black bandana over my bright red hair.

"What the hell are you doing?" Willow asked when I arrived next to her in my backyard. I struck a karate pose and looked at her seriously.

"I'm a ninja."

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