There's a New Simon in Alvin and the Chipmunks

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Another week passed, and only a handful of minor pranks were carried out-mostly by people lower on the social ladder. The pranks being planned must be big; otherwise things wouldn't be this quiet around campus.

At around 6:30, I had nothing to do, having already completed all of my homework-because I'm just that good of a student. Alright, that's a bit of a lie, but my academics are really of no business to you.

I rolled off of my bed, catching myself just before I face planted on the floor, and jogged downstairs, my sock clad feet padding softly on the dark hard-wood floor. As usual, our large house was dark and empty, my parents still at work and my sister at an away field hockey game. My sister was much sportier than I, playing field hockey in the fall, cheerleading and basketball in the winter, and track in the spring. I, on the other hand, focused solely on dance and soccer, though I was also committed to various clubs.

I stepped into the dimly lit kitchen, the only light source coming from the oven light. Quietly, I flipped up the light switch next to the doorway and the kitchen flickered to life, the orange walls quickly becoming illuminated.

The one thing I hate about our kitchen is the fact that there is always a large variety of food, mainly because my father is a minor chef, owning a small diner in the town center. My father is the main source of income in the family, while my mother is a kindergarten teacher and doesn't make a grand amount of money. Tonight, she was meeting with the parents of a child who was pulling pranks-like fake boogers and putting plastic insects in little girls hair. I bet it's Ian's little brother.

Anyways, getting back on topic, the reason I hate the variety of food is because it's nearly impossible to decide on what to eat. Have you ever had that feeling? Don't you hate it so much? Well, I was facing that exact dilemma right now.

After a moment of consideration, I remembered that my father and Haley had made cupcakes together the previous night-chocolate chocolate chip with chocolate frosting and chocolate chips instead of sprinkles. In other words, excess weight that I didn't actually need. However, it sounded delicious right now and I was craving one, with a big glass of milk on the side.

Eagerly, I bounced to the refrigerator. I could just picture them, stacked on top of each other, each one just as mouth watering as the next. Just thinking about their chocolately goodness made my taste buds go crazy, and I gripped the handle to the pristine white fridge, yanking it open excitedly.

Of course, opening the fridge I wasn't expecting to be met with the sight of a body, covered in blood and missing its right arm. I screamed loudly, clutching at my bare chest to try and force myself to breathe again.

As I calmed myself down, I managed to look closer at the body, and I saw that although its brown hair was matted with blood-it didn't smell like a deceased body-not that I would know what that smells like or anything.

I knelt next to the fridge and felt the cold air against my bare legs and arms. As I leaned closer, I realized that the person was faceless-no, not expressionless-it literally had no face, just a blank piece of...plastic.

My eyes widened in unbelieving horror as it all added up. To confirm my current theory, I leaned forward and tapped the body, bringing my finger away covered in blood. Acting on impulse, I brought it to my lips. Before you say-or even think it-I'll say it. I am not I a vampire.

It was ketchup-the "blood" wasn't blood at all-it was freaking ketchup. I couldn't decide whether to scream in anger or simply pull my hair out in frustration. Of course, I concluded with the former, for I will always be a hotter red-head than Ian Taylor.

After my screams ceased, I pulled the dummy out of my fridge as something occurred to me-my fridge was empty. In order to fit the dummy in the fridge, everything had to be removed...including the quadruple chocolate cupcakes. This thought alone brought on another round of screams.

I glanced at the clock to see that an hour had passed and it was now 7:30, meaning my father and sister would be home in half an hour and my mother would be

Unsure of what to do with the grotesque mannequin, I dragged it up to my bedroom and shoved it into my closet, covering it with racks of clothes just as the front door opened, signaling the arrival of my mother.

Even though Ian did in fact prank me, nothing could amount to the prank I pulled on him last week, and he still had some work to do if he wanted to get caught up.

I heard my mother turn on the television downstairs and I whipped out my phone, immediately sending a text to the culprit.

"You own me a batch of quadruple chocolate cupcakes, asshole,"

I didn't see Ian in school the next day, and I assumed he was ditching because he was an idiot. Of course, nothing is normal during prank week. I suppose I'm the idiot for not suspecting anything.

The first prank was carried out by the juniors, resulting in many angry seniors in the student parking lot that morning. About half of the junior class contributed in making a maze of cars in the parking area, resulting in no empty parking for the seniors. As they sat in their cars honking and swearing, the juniors brought out water balloons filled with removable paint, laughing as they chucked them at any seniors walking by, as well as any who were stuck in their cars.

Of course, the seniors quickly retaliated with a prank of their own, one that was actually similar to the juniors. During homeroom, after the parking situation had been solved, a group of seniors snuck out to the student parking lot and plastic wrapped a majority of the juniors cars, mine included. They also were clever enough to write messages-rather rude ones at that-on sticky notes and plaster them all over the car. Many of mine simply said; 'Seniors Rule!' or, 'You suck!' I know clever right?

Anyways, the pranks continued for the rest of the day. Somehow, the junior band and chorus had come out to perform our pep rally sounding like Alvin and the Chipmunks, but revenge was sweet-for the junior band geeks managed to cover the senior stage band and select chorus with powdered sugar during their performance at the pep rally. How they managed to retaliate so quickly? I have absolutely no idea.

"Hi guys!" An extremely high voice exclaimed from behind Lizzie, Serena and I from where we sat on the bleachers, observing the remainder of the pep rally. I turned, expecting to see a small freshmen girl, but couldn't hide my snort when I realized who it was.

"Hi Simon," I teased, making Ace narrow his eyes at me.

"Hey! If I were one of the chipmunks, I would definitely be Alvin!" He complained his voice still high and squeaky. I started cracking up alongside Serena and Lizzie attracting many curious stares from those seated around us. Of course, I didn't really notice, considering tears were clouding my vision from laughing to hard.

Just as I was about to make another snarky remark about his Simon voice, I was interrupted by someone who possessed a much deeper voice.

"Penny Harris-please join us on the stage," Principal Reagan announced into the microphone, making me freeze. Murmurs rippled through the student body, some gazes occasionally flickering over to me. My mouth went dry as I prayed for there to be two girls with the name Penny Harris in this school.

"Penny Harris, please come and accept your role as Wilston High's Football Queen!" Principal Reagan exclaimed, making my eyes widen further, if that was even possible. I felt Lizzie nudge me and I was soon pushed to my feet by my three friends- if that's what you want to call them. Gee, guys, thanks for hiding me!

As all eyes turned to me, I stared the only place where I could manage to look-the stage. Of course, that was the biggest mistake I made, for the Football King was already standing on the stage, his royal smirk in place as he observed my horror stricken face.

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