Barbie-Mobiles and Sucker Punches

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Needless to say, yesterday's events had left me with little to contribute to the school bake sale that I had graciously signed up to help with. After burning one batch, and fighting Ace for nearly an hour not to eat another--and shamefully losing the battle--I was left with one batch--a measly 24 cookies. Originally, I was supposed to make another, but I guess I shot that plan when I nearly burned down the house.

"24 cookies? That's it?" Serena questioned as she peered into my little plastic container. I glared at her and slammed the box down on the bake sale table, which was already littered with plates and bowls of goodies ranging from homemade brownies to exquisite looking cake pops. I would say they looked delicious enough to eat, but our school's reputation prompted me to be aware of the fact that there were probably pranks hidden all over that goddamn gorgeous table.

"Yeah, I had some...visitors.." I ground out, glaring at Ace as he appeared next to us. I was too angry with him to fangirl over his arm tossed casually over Lizzie's shoulder, who stood at his side with a plate of lemon bars clutched tightly against her abdomen. Ace eyed me wearily, knowing he was on thin ice with me after the cookie incident.

"You look pretty today," he tried sheepishly. I scoffed and glared at him.

"I look pretty every day," I retorted hotly, walking away before he opened his stupid mouth and more stupid kiss ass remarks started falling out.


Hearing my name, I turned around to see Ian running up to me, his gray polo shirt fitted snugly against his body to reveal his strong, muscular arms, and his dark jeans riding low on his hips so I could just make out the band of his boxers.

"Pull up your pants," I demanded as he approached, ignoring the heat that sprung to my face and my subconscious yelling at me for saying something so detrimental to all mankind.

"Checking me out, huh kitten?" He purred, stopping beside me. I scrunched my face in disgust...did he actually just call me a kitten?

"Number one, don't ever call me that ever again. Number two, ew," I responded, my face still contorted in disgust. Ian's face fell and he stuck his bottom lip out like a toddler.

"There are so many things I can't call you!" He whined, his lip getting thicker and thicker by the second. I rolled my eyes.

"Two names. There are two names you are forbidden to ever call me," I reminded him, starting to walk again. I could feel his presence beside me as I moved through the crowded halls towards my locker, warm bodies pressing against me as I fought through the sea of students.

"Fine. Penelope Pitstop," He smirked. I stopped and turned to face him, an incredulous look clouding over my face. "What?!" He yelled, his hands flying up in surrender.


"Okay, okay fine. Oh, oh okay, I definitely have the winner!" He exclaimed as we stopped at my locker.

"You're my sweet little Abraham Lincoln."


"Did it work?" I whispered anxiously.

Lizzie and Ace silently nodded their heads, smirks appearing on both of their faces. I sat back in my seat, feeling incredibly satisfied. I had definitely not forgiven Ace for his stupid cookie stunt, but pranks on my enemies were far more important than cookies in my opinion.

Class had just started, and the teacher was droning on and on about isotopes and elements, but all I really cared about was the element of surprise that appeared on my classmates faces when Chase strolled in late, his clothes, hair, and face covered in a light sheen of pink and purple dye accompanied by lots and lots of sparkly confetti. What can I say? I have a thing for pink, sparkly things.

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