My Drunk Boyfriend Causes A Relationship, Pain, and Wetness

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After an hour of talking, Kasey had explained the situation to me; from the moment Josh approached her this past summer until the moment they arrived in town earlier that day. Apparently, Josh was a loser with no life and had spent the last year plotting his revenge on me. 

"And why not you?" I asked in annoyance. She blushed and twiddled her fingers uncomfortably. 

"Because he liked me. And I would have helped you sooner, but I had no idea that he was using Chase to get back at you until yesterday, when he told me he had planned this trip and why. I played along because I knew it was my best opportunity at talking to you," she explained.

"So, you're dating that ass?" I asked in disgust. She frowned at me and crossed her arms. 

"Aren't you dating yours?" 

My face heated up and I looked away, my mind suddenly filling with the image of Ian's face when he had seen the pregnancy test. I had to explain it to him...

"No." I stated bluntly, but I wasn't fooling either of us. Kasey rolled her eyes but didn't push any further.

"Fine. Well, listen, we have to get him back. Chase, Josh, and Denise. We have to prank them all," Kasey said, her eyes glinting with mischief. I raised my eyebrows at her and drummed my fingers on my desk. 

"You want to help me prank your boyfriend, his brother, and his brother's girlfriend? That doesn't even make sense," I pointed out. She chewed on her bottom lip, obviously debating whether or not to tell me something, and my annoyed huff seemed to persuade her to do so. 

"He cheated on me," she mumbled, causing my eyes to go wide. Before I could question why she was still with him, or why she was defending his sorry ass, she held up her hand to silence me and I promptly shut my mouth.

"I still love him, Pen. And I know he still cares for me. I know it seems jacked up and weird, and I don't expect your to understand, but he's really not a bad person. And yes, he cheated, and yes, I'm pissed. But I love him too much to end it over that. But I still need to get him back somehow, and what better way than pranking? Especially when you're in the same boat," she rambled. I took in her words with my mouth agape before deciding I was better off not understanding the messed up situation. 

"Oka-a-yy," I drawled, having no idea what to say after that confession. "Well, that's seriously messed up, but you do you," I finished, rubbing my palms against my yoga pants. She chuckled and nodded, patting the space next to her on my bed. 

"Okay, well help me plan. He may be my boyfriend, but we're on the same team, I promise," she vowed, holding out her hand. I knew Kasey, and I knew her tricks. And I honestly believed that this was true, so I took her hand without question, a smile lighting up my face. 



"Don't do it," I warned, eyeing Ace as his hand inched slowly towards the plate of cookies sitting in the center of the table. He frowned at me, but his hand continued to move closer to the freshly baked treats. 

"Ace..." I warned, leaning closer to him. His frown deepened to the point where his lower lip was puffed out, and he was giving me big weepy puppy dog eyes. I watched as his hand crept over the lip of the plate, his fingertips just grazing one of the cookies, but before his fingers could curl around it and take it I slapped his hand, resulting in a yelp and quick retreat. 

"You're mean," he whined, falling back into his chair as he cradled his hand. I rolled my eyes and stood to take another batch of sweets from the over.

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