The Ultimate Prank...and I Can't Even Take Credit

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As Ian deepened the kiss, his hands roaming my body, I shifted so that I was laying on my back, his body pressed against mine. I could taste glitter and paint in my mouth from kissing him, but his lips felt so right against mine that I couldn't care less. His hands moved from my lower back into my hair, his fingers getting caught in an array of snarls. I moaned against his lips, arching my back and pressing myself deeper into him in an attempt to stay warm in the cool night air. 

Feeling out of breath, I pulled away and sucked in air, looping my arms around his neck. I could feel his breath against my cheek as he swallowed in air as well. The lack of kissing seemed to clear my mind, and I suddenly realized what was happening here. I let go of him and scooted away, staring at him wide eyed. 

He was still covered in dye, shades of pink and purple matting his hair together and heaps of glitter making him shine under the street lamps. The only part of him that wasn't painted was his mouth...meaning that it was probably all over me now. 

We stared at each other for a good ten minutes, silence filling the air in a manner that was neither comfortable or uncomfortable. I finally broke the silence, pushing myself to my feet and shifting awkwardly from foot to foot.

"Um...I guess I should head home, you know, being grounded and all. I'll um...see you around, I guess... or something. So, yeah, um night," I stuttered, running away before he could say anything. Now, on top of my head throbbing like a freaking bitch, it was spinning with millions of thoughts and emotions. I breathed heavily, my arms pumping at my sides and my feet pounding noisily against the cracked sidewalk. 

My house was just up ahead, and I ran around to the back door in hopes of avoiding my parents--this night had already been bad enough. Luckily, my family didn't stir as I slipped through the door and crept into my room. Tears began to fall, and I belly-flopped onto my bed without turning on the lights. 

"Penny, I need to explain," 

I squealed and jumped up, turning on my bedside lamp to illuminate a figure perched in my open window. How long had he been there??

"What do you want Chase?" I spat out, crossing my arms over my chest. He climbed inside, brushing dirt off of his jeans and gray hoodie. As he moved closer, I noticed lipstick on his lips and felt my stomach churn. 

"Let me explain..." he pleaded, his baby blue eyes filled with remorse. I felt hot tears slide down my cheek and quickly wiped them away, refusing to look weak in front of him. 

"Fine." I said, avoiding his eyes. He sat on the bed and sighed, not saying anything for longer than I liked. 

"What the hell do you want Chase?!" I yelled, standing up and moving to the corner of the room. My hands balled into fists as I observed his face. How had I been so stupid?!

He rubbed his face tiredly before speaking. 

"Penny, she came onto me. I didn't know what to do!" He exclaimed. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Maybe you should have tried not sticking your tongue down her throat," I retorted hotly. He bit his lip and cast his eyes towards the floor, obviously thinking of more excuses. 

"Penny," he said softly, rising from the bed, "I love you. Denise means nothing to me. Nothing. She caught me off guard, but she's the one that started it. I should have ended it, but I guess I got caught in the moment. Penny, I'm so, so sorry. I never meant to hurt you Pumpkin." My eyes filled with tears and I leaned against the wall behind me, sliding onto the floor. My body shook with sobs and I felt Chase come closer, wrapping his arms around me. This was so confusing! Was I supposed to go back to him just like that?!

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