My Mother Brilliantly Suggests I Fraternize with the Enemy

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        "Penny?" Chase said. I raised my eyebrows at him, unimpressed by the nice act. Ah, the joys of going to a small community college in the town you grew up in.

          "Oh, I'm so glad you two know each other! Penny, why don't you give Chase a tour of the house," My mom brilliantly suggested. I gave my dad a pleading look, begging him to get me out of this, but obviously they were ganging up on me.

          "Come on Chase," I grumbled, walking down the hallway towards the backyard. I only assumed he was following me because the conversation in the living room continued.

          I slid open the sliding glass door and stepped out into the fading sunlight, soaking in the mild warmth.

          "Make sure you shut that behind you," I said, not bothering to look back at Chase. I heard the click, indicating that the door was closed, and I turned around to see him studying me.

          "What?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. He shrugged and averted his eyes to the ground, scuffing his toes in the dirt.

          "Well this is kind of awkward," He muttered, loud enough for me to hear. I laughed humorously and dropped onto the ground, not caring if my jeans got dirty.

          "Yeah, just a little," I replied, pulling up blades of grass in clumps and forming a small pile. Chase was Ian's best friend-his wingman. There was something about Chase that just didn't fit with Ian, though, he was too sweet and quiet. I actually didn't mind Chase, but I knew that anything said to him would get back to Ian.

          "So I hear you and Ian are in a prank war," he said, obviously looking for something to talk about. Chase and I didn't have much in common, besides Ian, but we were even blatantly different there. Amazingly, Ian Taylor and I would probably have numerous things to talk about, considering we were both prankers-though I was a master while he was only a novice.

          "If you think I'm going to spill my schemes to you so you can run to tell Ian then you're so far from right it's not even funny," I chuckled. He shook his head and sat next to me, apparently tired of standing.

          "No, I wouldn't do that. I'm Ian's best friend, not his bitch," He laughed. I smiled at Chase and continued to pile up grass.

          "Yeah, you're right. But I'm still not telling you anything," I laughed.

          About an hour later, my mom came outside and told us dinner was ready. As I walked past her in the hallway, she gave me a curious look and I rolled my eyes at her. Only my mom would think that because I was alone with a boy for an hour we were automatically dating.

          "Oh my goodness Leanne, your daughter is gorgeous," Cathy said to my mother, admiring me from her seat at the dining room table. I suddenly realized that Haley wasn't here and I turned to my mom.

          "Where's Haley?" I demanded. My mom ignored me and sat down, directing me to the seat on the right of Chase. With an inaudible sigh, I sat down and loaded my plate with food, allowing it to come close to spilling over the edges.

          "So Penny, do you and Chase have any classes together this year?" My mom asked, sipping at her wine slowly. I shrugged, actually not sure if I did. Thankfully, Chase knew and answered for me.

          "Ah, no Mrs. Harris. I see Penny in the hallway but we don't share any classes," he said sweetly. The adults began to make light conversation and I leaned closer to Chase.

          "Suck-up," I whispered, making him glare at me. I shrugged and shoveled a spoonful of mashed potatoes into my mouth.

          After everyone was done, my mom forced me to clear the table and wash the dishes. I groaned as she lead Chases parents into the living room, followed by my dad. I stared at Chase, who was sitting at the table.

          "Uh, you going to go now?" I asked impatiently, drumming my fingers on the back of my chair. He smiled up at me.

          "Nope, I'd much rather stay here and help you clean up," He said. I scoffed and began to stack plates together.

          "Okay, maybe you haven't noticed, but there are no adults in here. Therefore, there's no need for you to continue kissing ass," I said, carrying a stack of dirty plates to the sink. I turned to get more and ran into Chase's chest. Damn it, he had a freaking six-pack too.

          "Did you ever think that maybe I'm just a genuinely nice guy?" He asked, giving me a wink. I smiled and stepped around him.

          "Nope," I said, popping the 'p'. He frowned at me and followed me to the sink with a handful of silverware and a stack of cups.

          "Well, why not?" He pouted. I turned around and stared at him, leaning backwards on the edge of the sink. I studied his face, knowing what I wanted to say, but I was unsure how to say it. Damn, I hate it when that happens. I always end up looking stupid.

          "Look, considering you're friends with Ian Taylor, and you hang out with him and all of his friends, I think it's bound to impact you and no matter how much you claim you aren't, you are a popular, and you are going to act like them. Maybe I just have trust issues, but I have a feeling that you knew you were going to see me tonight, that Ian put you up to kissing up to me and making me either fall for you, or getting me to spill. And guess what, neither is going to happen so you can just quit it," I finished, my voice rising at the end.

          He sighed and handed me the cups and silverware, which I dumped in the sink and started to wash.

          "Listen, Penny, we're not all as bad as you think. Did you even know I'm in your grade?" He asked. I stared at him in surprise.

          "What?" I asked. He nodded and handed me a couple more plates, before drying the ones I had already washed.

          "You don't have to help you know, really," I said, but he only shook his head.

          "Penny, you weren't right about what you said, about me coming here for Ian, but you were kind of on to something. I'm here to make an alliance. We're both juniors, and we can work together pranking not just the seniors, but Ian too," He explained. I stared at the suds that were slowly dissolving in the sink.

          "I work alone, sorry," I mumbled, going back to scrubbing a pan. He sighed and set the towel down on the counter.

          "Don't you want to hear my reasons?" He asks, making me stop washing the pan, again. Turning to face him, I dry my hands on my pants and hop onto the edge of the sink.

          "Well, I have a feeling you're going to tell me whether or not I want to hear, so continue," I complain, keeping the smile off my face. He grins and stands in front of me, so his abdomen is brushing my knees.

          "Listen, Ian may be my best friend, but he's a serious ass to anyone who's not in his little circle. Maybe you think I'm the same way, but I'm not. Besides, it'll benefit you to have me on your team. I'm in his circle, so I can find out his plans, and I can hit him with a prank easily. Give me one good reason why we shouldn't work together," He says.

          I grin and shrug. "If you turn out to be a traitor, you will feel my wrath," I threaten jokingly. He smiles and lifts me down from the counter. "Is that a yes?" I debate for a moment before answering.

          "When do we start?"

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