Two Boyfriends + Pranks + Me = Chaos

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Apparently, becoming the Football Queen instantly made me above the radar, which was just great. (Sense the sarcasm.) Wherever I went, there were stares, sometimes small smiles, and I had even made conversation with some people.

"Hey do you want to come over tonight?" Lizzie asked as she skipped up to me, her pale yellow skirt flouncing out around her.

"Sure, I'll meet you at the café around 6:30," I answered quickly, scurrying away before she could ask anything else. I was currently hiding from Ian, whom I had played another prank on to get back at him for the refrigerator incident as well as rigging the voting for the Football King and Queen.


I winced as I turned around and saw Ian standing in the middle of the hallway. I couldn't help but let out a giggle as I stared at him, though I was almost scared by the way he stormed down the hall flanked by Jay Matthews and Josh Carey.

"You're going to pay for this," He growled as he approached me. I snuck a glance at the crowd that was quickly forming in the hallway, almost every face incredibly curious. I was becoming very uncomfortable, very fast.

"Hey, you started it by taking my cupcakes...and then making me the Queen!" I whisper shouted. Despite the fact that he looked ridiculous, Ian smiled as he recollected the events.

"You look pretty in pink," I giggled, bringing him back to the present. I fluttered my eyelashes innocently and watched as his fists slowly clenched and unclenched.

Last night, I had brilliantly snuck into Ian's home and turned him into a beautiful masterpiece. Equipped with a cute tool belt around my waist that my father had bought me, hoping to interest me in tools, I had unlocked the back door with the key Chase gave me and crept up to his room. Now, I hadn't loaded my tool belt with tools, but superglue, a couple make up essentials, and permanent marker-which were promised to be ever-lasting.

Sneakily, I had super glued fake hot pink nails to his fingers, colored his lips in with red permanent marker, his eyelids with blue, and finished it off by switching his cologne for a girls perfume that smelled horrible and was far too strong.

As Ian stood in front of me, I realized how much he smelled like my Aunt Kandy, and looked like a badly made up hooker.

"I feel like we should make this public, Pennywhistle," He murmured, low enough for only me to hear. I narrowed my eyes in confusion as he turned around to face more than half of the student body, earning him a round of quiet giggles.

"Everyone, I feel that you have the right to know something, something about Penny and I," He shouted, making some girls in the front go wide-eyed. I stood frozen in place, my brain unable to process what was happening.

"Penny Harris is my girlfriend!" He shouted, and as it replayed in my brain a thousand times, I jolted back to reality and let out a frustrated scream.

"I am not! You asshole I can't believe you! I'm gonna do a lot worse than turn you into a freaking man hooker you butthead!" I screeched as some of the football guys let out a bunch of laughs.

"Penny, Penny, come on," I heard a soothing voice in my ear as I was pulled away. I felt tears brimming to my eyes and soon I couldn't see clearly, I was only stumbling along, being lead by my savior. I couldn't understand why he told people that. I was unpopular while he was king of the school...this could easily ruin his reputation.

"Here, sit down," The voice said. I followed the order and let the tears fall freely, allowing myself to be pulled into the persons arms. He tried to calm me down, I heard him shushing me and soothing me, but I couldn't stop. Now, I was Football Queen and Ian Taylor's girlfriend. I didn't want to be either of those things, I just wanted to be normal, maybe have a little fun during the prank wars with my friends, but this was getting out of hand.

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