Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But...Screw It. Words Freaking Hurt Too

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The putrid smell of the girls bathroom managed to escape me thanks to the excessive amount of dry heaves that racked my body, making it nearly impossible for me to get a breath in. I felt tears spilling down my cheeks, tickling the corners of my lips before making their way down my chin and neck, finally soaking into the collar of my gray tee shirt. I rocked back and forth on my heels, crouched in front of the royal throne that sat in front of me as I waited for myself to throw up. 

I wanted to throw up. I wanted to throw up all of my feelings, my pain, my memories...everything. But nothing happened. 

The bathroom door swung open and I peeked behind me, realizing that in my haste I had forgotten to shut the stall door behind me. I half expected to see Ian standing in the doorway, his face a mask of concern as he knelt down to pull me into a bear hug, but my mouth filled with bile when I saw the prim and proper queen bee standing there. Denise definitely didn't dress to disappoint; sporting a acid washed denim skirt, a sheer white blouse with a floral bralette peeking through the thin fabric, and wicker wedges that made her legs appear those of a track star rather than a professional shopper. 

"Could you be any more pathetic? I knew you would be hiding in here," she sneered, her full pink lips set in a pout. My lip trembled and I chastised myself for how weak I was acting right now. This was anything but me. Biting my lip, I forced myself to stand and meet her eye. For the first time in my high school career, I couldn't believe how meager and helpless I felt in front of her; in my gray tee shirt and black jeans with flip flops, I felt like a bug being squashed under her designer heels. I took a deep breath and reached deep inside myself to find the spunk that I usually carried around in my back pocket. 

"No, not really. But could you be any bitchier?" I spat. Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to respond but I cut her off with a humorless laugh, taking her by surprise. "Silly question, right? You're as cold hearted as your boyfriend and the rest of your posse," I finished, shouldering past her and storming towards the bathroom door. 

"And Ian?" 

I stopped in my tracks and inhaled sharply. I felt more tears roll down my cheeks and I held the wall for support, because in this moment, all I wanted to do was collapse on the floor and cry until I had no tears left to spill. 

"Yeah. Ian too," I gasped before hurrying out of the bathroom. I didn't stop walking until I was climbing in my car and leaving all of my problems in a cloud of dust behind me. 


I'm a bit surprised how all of my friends managed to find me at the end of the school day, considering I was curled up in a ball under at least three comforters with the shades closed and my ratty pajamas on. I thought it would be the last place they'd look. You know, the whole "hiding in plain sight" tactic? Yeah, well, clearly that's complete bullshit. 

"Penny! Penny open the door!"

"Penny, c'mon, please talk to us!"

"Please, Pen. We're here for you,"

"Let us help you!"

"I will break this door down in ten, nine, eight..."

The mass of voices outside my door was relentless, and as "frightening" as Ace's threat was, he was too much of a sweetheart to break down my door. Plus, he was soft. That door would break him. 

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