Chapter Two

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Your POV  

"I'm going to interpret that as 'I'm here to take your soul and you have no choice!'" imitating his voice. I later sighed and played with the bird and star on my necklace unconsciously. His eyes widened as he looked at the necklace I was fumbling with and smirked.

"Let me make a deal with you. If you are able to find out who gave you that necklace, you can have your body back. But if you don't within 6 months, I get to have your soul. Deal?"

I scratched the back of my neck in nervousness. He seems like he could end me right here, right now but should I let curiosity get to me or let fate plan my end?

If I'm going to be curious, why not press some questions onto him after all, it is my choice. "Before I make a decision, what do you mean by 'you can have your body back' and why limit the deal by 6 months?"

His smirk instantaneously transformed into a stern look as his large hands ran through his neat hair. Crook looked like he was seriously in a dilemma, walking up and down the ally way, muttering words under his breath like he had rehearsed for a difficult job interview. Suddenly he stopped moving and took a deep breath in, composing himself and gave me a serious look. 

"Alright. If your considering this deal, I may as well answer your concerns. Firstly, you do realise you are a ghost and you don't possess any human flesh but I have to warn you that there are people who can actually see you." 

Crook's statement seemed true so far. The woman in the park couldn't see me and the car at the cross road went through me so it made some sense to me but then it kind of scared me if a child was able to see objects going through me. The poor kid would probably get scared and consult with their parents, making them look crazy. I suddenly shuddered at that thought.

"Just think of yourself as an imaginary friend to a little kid but be warned that if someone is able to see you, objects can no longer go through you. So -"

"So in another words your telling me to basically act like I'm a normal human even if some specific people can only see me." I said, cutting off his sentence. He nod his head and continued on.

"Secondly your time is limited because your soul will slowly degrade as you no longer possess a body. Hence you cannot stay in a world where a body is needed to stay alive and since you can't consume food, it only gives you 6 months to roam on Earth."

"Okay so I have to keep in mind that I'm a wandering soul that can be seen by some people and I will disappear in 6 months if I can't figure out who gave me this necklace?" Crook nods and holds out his hand.

"If you accept this deal, we have to shake on it."

I pursed my lips and and hummed in thought. Like what have I got to lose? Even if I didn't take this deal I'd disappear in 6 months and if I failed to find the person who gave me the necklace, then I still disappear but within the 6 months I would actually spend my time on Earth doing something. So I guess I'm better off with an adventure than to just roam and do nothing with the time I have left.

I extended my hand to meet Crook's and instantly I felt a stinging pain on my arm. Looking down towards where the pain was felt, an intricate outlining of faces that represented the sun and moon. I rubbed over the image on my arm and it wouldn't come off but then looking at the drawing closely, it made me feel some familiarity. 


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